
New Member
The last couple of days I have noticed what seems to be a loud knock coming from approx the middle of the tub on the nearside. I've had a look under it today and don't see anything obviously loose or hanging off, but roughly where I think it's coming from is the front end of a rod/bar which goes from the rear axle to the chassis. There are a couple of biggish looking rubber bushes on the end. I strongly suspect my bushes be goosed.

The noise sounds just like someone hitting the underside with a hammer, just one heavy strike, not a persistant rattle. It seems to happen as I move off from stationary and appears to be only after I have reversed. I think I have heard it when I start to reverse too after driving forward.

It's going in for a practice run at it's first MOT since I bought it on Monday of next week (09/05/11) so anything untoward should show up then.

What is the rod/bar thing called?
Is this the radius arm?
Or is it the Link?

Any advice on changing these bushes much apreciated, especially if Buster doesn't have a how to on the subject.
roll bar ball joint ,ball joint wears till it knocks, the rubber bushes are the same as series shocker bushes
The last couple of days I have noticed what seems to be a loud knock coming from approx the middle of the tub on the nearside. I've had a look under it today and don't see anything obviously loose or hanging off, but roughly where I think it's coming from is the front end of a rod/bar which goes from the rear axle to the chassis. There are a couple of biggish looking rubber bushes on the end. I strongly suspect my bushes be goosed.

The noise sounds just like someone hitting the underside with a hammer, just one heavy strike, not a persistant rattle. It seems to happen as I move off from stationary and appears to be only after I have reversed. I think I have heard it when I start to reverse too after driving forward.

It's going in for a practice run at it's first MOT since I bought it on Monday of next week (09/05/11) so anything untoward should show up then.

What is the rod/bar thing called?
Is this the radius arm?
Or is it the Link?

Any advice on changing these bushes much apreciated, especially if Buster doesn't have a how to on the subject.

Had same problem. Was the link to chassis bushes you describe. Replaced with poly bushes and all fixed. Was causing axle to move a little causing the knock. If you park up on flat ground and try and rock the rear wheel I could see the axle moving.
Superb lads, thanks for your help, I'll get some ball joints and bushes ordered and try to do both sides at the same time. I have noticed a slight tendancy for increased wander so it does sound like the rear axle is "floating" a little. :D

Anything difficult about these?
Do I need any special tools?
they dont stop axle floating thats a frame ball joints job,roll bar ball joints require 2 x 15/16 24mm spanners or socket and 3/4 19 mm spanner or socket + side cutters to remove split pin,or just shear it by removing nut if fitting new
Excellent James. Well within my capabilities I guess then. Will go hunt up part numbers and get them ordered.

Thanks again.
Thanks again James, is that two ball joints each side?
I think the problem is the other end of the radius arm - where it attaches to the chassis.
Thanks. I'm considering buying a complete poly bush set which will have everything I need and some for future use as I need them. Do you recommend any suppliers for these complete kits?
I would just have a quick check on the union joints on the propshaft if you havnt already - if they havnt been greased regularly they will wear out causing a loud clunk when taking up drive
ive fitted alot of kits but prefer the britpart yellow bush kit ,comes more than complete ,dont last as long as original but none do but are easy to change ive had 4 years still good on my own and havent had any complaints with others ive fitted, i prefer poly bushes for ride and ease of fitting
I would just have a quick check on the union joints on the propshaft if you havnt already - if they havnt been greased regularly they will wear out causing a loud clunk when taking up drive

The sound appears to be coming from the nearside about middle of the tub, but it's not so much a clunk as a hard tap, literally just like someone hitting the underside with a hammer and it tends to happen as I accelerate away rather than move off like it would with play in the transmission. But thank you anyway.
ive fitted alot of kits but prefer the britpart yellow bush kit ,comes more than complete ,dont last as long as original but none do but are easy to change ive had 4 years still good on my own and havent had any complaints with others ive fitted, i prefer poly bushes for ride and ease of fitting

Well, I must admit, I am beginning to believe some of the bias people have against Britpart, but personally I haven't had any problems with any of their stuff so far and my local LR parts suppliers (Strathearn Engineering) usually supply Britpart parts, though I guess I could ask for a different make if I wanted.

I have noticed that all the parts lists I have found seem to show the radius arm as being only a round bar at the end and the rest of it is a sort of flat bar, but one listing I noticed showed the 2" lift radius arms which were just a round bar - I will need to check for sure tomorrow, but I think mine may be the 2" lift version (heavy duty?)

Which, presumably means I have a 2" lift fitted (I didn't know this.)

Anyway, once more, I thank you for your help James.
some britpart stuf is **** as is some bearmach etc but alot is good ,i wouldnt tell you get britpart pattern brgs or bearmach for that matter ,rear radius arms are round bar ,pictures in microcat or parts books arent necessarily actual diagrams of parts,i would just check a frame bushes and ball joint
a frame ball joint can be checked for slop with tyre leaver sounds like hammer tapping
Isn't the a-frame ball joints a bit further back towards the rear?

Also, I did notice the rubbers on the radius arm were a bit perished looking (probably the originals) and the chassis end of the nearside arm is exactly where I hear the noise from. However, I will check out the a-frame ball joints if I can tomorrow. But I'm not too worried as she is going for her first MOT since I bought her on Monday of next week (this will give me about 5 weeks to get everything that needs done seen to) and I'm sure the MOT failure will point out everything that's needing done. Hopefully, I'll get as much of it done as I can during the rest of the week as I will be on holiday for the week.
Isn't the a-frame ball joints a bit further back towards the rear?.

Aye, but yer upper link is fixed tae nearer the middle (ish). Hae a look in me guides and ye'll see;)
Ah think it was mentioned.. but check the bushes on yer lower link anaw (ones from axle tae chassis) and also yer drive flanges;)
Aye, but yer upper link is fixed tae nearer the middle (ish). Hae a look in me guides and ye'll see;)
Ah think it was mentioned.. but check the bushes on yer lower link anaw (ones from axle tae chassis) and also yer drive flanges;)

Yep Buster, I went through your "How To's" and found the relevent ones for these twa jobbies. Oh, and by the way that's a bloody excellent job you have done on those "How To's" so while I have the chance I'd like to say a big well done and many thanks for them and your straight forward simple approach to doing the jobs you have listed. I can see them becoming my bible as work progresses. The way you paint everything up as you go along is really inspiring, I'd probably never have thought of doing that.

What is the paint you are using?
Is it some sort of plastic coating or is it just lots of coats?
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