
New Member
I was driving my 110 on the road yester. It's bin a while since it hit the black stuff.
Anyway when i got over about 35mph a loud grinding/whine noise seemeed to be coming from front passenger side. It sounded like metal on metal.
But when i drove under 35 it went away.

Any ideas on what it could be???

Wel i checked around the wheel there and everything looks ok. Notting out of place.
And when i drive and press the brake the sound doesnt change. Even when im driven and pop it into neutral the sound dosent stop.

So it's soundin like a UJ or something connected to left side wheel??
Ok just alittle advise you work by proces of elimintation as the grinding noise is left hand side and front it can only be a few things so list the mechanical parts that side then check each one by one eliminating as you go but normaly grinding is brakes if you have discs at front make sure there are no stones jammed behind any cover plates always second check i have made the same mistake.
Wel i checked around the wheel there and everything looks ok. Notting out of place.
And when i drive and press the brake the sound doesnt change. Even when im driven and pop it into neutral the sound dosent stop.

So it's soundin like a UJ or something connected to left side wheel??
Check yer wheel bearin, there might be no play in it but you could have a fecked bearin race;)
I will have a check again. Il get it jacked up and wheel off and have a poke around see if anything is moving around that shouldnt be?
I will have a check again. Il get it jacked up and wheel off and have a poke around see if anything is moving around that shouldnt be?
It sounds like the prop UJs so you will be better off leaving the landy on the ground - grip the prop either side of the UJ and turn both sides against each other, if there is any movement whatsoever then that is the problem. Also check both halves of the propshaft against each other, if there is any play at all within the splines then this will manifest itself as a grinding noise at about 35-40 mph.

I've got exactly the same thing! It happens exactly around 35 mph, not when you go above, or under. Is this the same with yours? Did you find out exactly what it was?

Can anyone assist with my problem?

Many thanks,

Hey all again, UJS replaced! There is still a grinding sound though? Any idea what else it could be. Only happens at set speeds, no matter what gear I am in it still happens at the same speeds.

Any help greatly appreciated.

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It sounds like it's coming from the area of the front axle, apart from that it is difficult to pinpoint. I believe I have now ruled out front prop.
you should have run truck with front prop off to be more sure ,check oil by dropping some out in diff case and check swivels have grease or oil , jack wheel in turn rotate wheel in both locks,feel play in cv carefully as well check wheel brgs while wheel up,check for endfloat roughness on diff flange
Few checks to do I'll get onto it asap. Thanks for the thoughts, as things go I am a bit of a newbie so thanks for the reply, I will give it a go :)

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