
New Member
OK so after a traumatic 6 weeks of trying to get garages to find the problem with my Freelander 2 to no avail I need to turn to you guys for help.

I bought a 07 plate Freelander 2 just under 3 months ago. Was really happy with the car but after a week or so i noticed an occasional clunk coming from the rear. It only did it every now and then but nearly always when I was doing 70 mph + when I went over a slight bump in the road. Initially I though it must be an exhaust mount or something and took it to our normal local garage who are normally excellent. Nope, everything was secure and they could find nothing loose, all diff bushes etc fine, no suspension problems either. They said I'd have to see if it persists.

The clunk / knock has persisted and it went up and down the garage ramp serveral times. By now I can make the clunk happen by getting up to 70mph and kangarooing the accelerator or bouncing gently on the brake. It's a bit like a penduluum effect when the weight transfers but only when the car is doing speed. I can go over pot holes or sleeping policeman and it doesn't do it!

Finally went to land rover this week and they diagnosed it as needing a new prop because it had leaked all it's grease. Finally it looks like it's sorted and in it goes today. Just picked it up 550 quid lighter and... the bloody clunk is still there as always.

The only explanation I can find here now is the sub frame? Can anyone advise? I'm also supposed to be hitching up a caravan Friday for the first time and am worried if the vehicle is safe :mad:
By the sound of it you have had multiple garages check it out I would say its fine. Also as you will be towing your max will be 60mph :)
Surely you can go back to the garage who diagnosed the fault as a prop shaft and charged you £550 for NOT fixing the problem and ask for a refund and your old prop shaft re fitted?
By the sound of it you have had multiple garages check it out I would say its fine

Well I do need to know what else it could be if it's not that as it's definately a very large thud / clunk all the time. Looks like its down to Land Rover again
By the sound of it you have had multiple garages check it out I would say its fine. Also as you will be towing your max will be 60mph :)
Surely you can go back to the garage who diagnosed the fault as a prop shaft and charged you £550 for NOT fixing the problem and ask for a refund and your old prop shaft re fitted?

wot he says^^^^^^^^^^^^^

have yu checked diff mounting bushes?
not sure if chassis cracking/subframe attachment problems were still on the FL2 - would like to think not.
it seems to be costing yu lots of money to find nothing - in which case carry on driving and wait till it breaks - sometimes the cheapest and only option.
Get a refund on your £550 and get a warranty with the money, then hopefully when it does finally show up what it is, it wont cost you!

I know this will probably sound really silly and you probably have checked. I assume there is nothing in any of the cubby holes, maybe spare wheel well (if a FL2 has one?) or the jack basically anything that could move and make a clunk? Maybe under the seats, maybe fuel tank mounting. So many things it could be, as has previously been said maybe you just have to wait and see. Make sure you have decent breakdown cover.
Good Luck and let us know if you find anything?
is it the rear pads sticking to the disc, or pads been fitted without the backing, or even the caliper seizing and then releasing?
Thanks for all your comments, it added a couple of things to check but so far nor joy. I made the local Landrover dealership (that fitted the prop) send a mechanic out with me so I could demonstrate the noise. Now a mechanic has heard it he can recreate it on the road and I've got the vehicle booked in on Thursday and they are going to fit loads of sensors underneath the vehicle to pinpoint the fault. They are confident they will now find it. My only concern is Landrover now CHARGE to fault find! Charged me 50 quid to tell me the propshaft needed replacing and then 550 to replace it!
well mad,thats a good point,,, but just imagine an engine mount gone,,,rocking the engine and pushing the exhaust which then makes contact at the rear on the chassis,

admit its unlikley , but if everything else has been checked you have to think outside the box
try poking a screwdriver between subframe and chassis to see if there is any movement it could be the captivated nut in the chassis has come adrift or is a bit loose. i've got the same problem and am waiting for any ideas on the fix from this forum
try poking a screwdriver between subframe and chassis to see if there is any movement it could be the captivated nut in the chassis has come adrift or is a bit loose. i've got the same problem and am waiting for any ideas on the fix from this forum

Try a search- it's been covered
try poking a screwdriver between subframe and chassis to see if there is any movement it could be the captivated nut in the chassis has come adrift or is a bit loose. i've got the same problem and am waiting for any ideas on the fix from this forum

Read the bloody FAQ. :mad: or wait a long time

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