Hi All,

I have a late 04 L322 4.4v8 and it went off with a bang over the weekend. We were 4 hrs from home :) I believe it has to be the transmission as it was a loud
snapping/breaking banging noise followed by gears grinding. I put the car into neutral and the grinding stopped. Can anyone recommend a place that provides replacement boxes that will install as well. I am in tw15 area. Any advice on a reputable place and what i should expect to pay would be greatly appreciated. The box is a 5 speed i believe.


Just checking, but are you sure that it isn’t the front propshaft spline that’s failed?


Does the park lock hold the car on a slope with the handbrake off?
Just checking, but are you sure that it isn’t the front propshaft spline that’s failed?


Does the park lock hold the car on a slope with the handbrake off?

To be fair i don't know, didn't try holding it in Park, no codes came up on the dash when it happened which seems odd right ? I have it in a place now but they have behaved in a way that makes me distrust them completely. I am looking to take the car back however need a place to take it too. If it was the transmission wouldn't a code come up on the dash ?
If it was the transmission wouldn't a code come up on the dash ?
It depends what the failure was. There isn’t a DTC for ‘splines eroded away by fretting corrosion due to shaft misalignment’ for example :)

Do you know if the front differential/propshaft upgrade was ever carried out on your vehicle?

Definatly sound like front diff splines had one go on me awful sound. Not all of them have had the recal to the newer design.

Update:- The guy that recovered the car starting working on the vehicle without telling me the problem or the cost. He said before he recovered the vehicle that if it were the transmission that he had that exact one in stock fully reconditioned and i could have the car back in 24hrs. The man never called or answered his phone so i had to drive down there. The box was already out so i was gutted as i want to take the vehicle back. He said it was the transmission and that he was reconditioning mine and doesn't remember telling me he had one in stock. he said it would take a couple of days. i start to panick as after meeting him i know he is a complete con artist of the highest order. Two days later he calls and says the transfer box needs doing also and would be extra, so far looking at over 2k. Friday just gone he calls now to say i need a new prop shaft as it has stripped also. He said he is having trouble locating one and he needs to talk to me. I feel powerless as the man has my car in bits. I have a hunch that you guys on here were right and that it wasn't the auto box at all and i am being taken for a mug. trying to work out what way to play this out. Any advice from anyone who maybe familiar with consumer rights in this situation would be welcomed. As of Monday i will be seeking legal advice.

kind regards.
Member on here called Fanatic is a bit of a legal guru.....seek him out and ask his advice.

I'd say you are being taken for a ride.....
You are being hung out to dry, he should have asked for your confirmation before going ahead with any work.
Update:- The guy that recovered the car starting working on the vehicle without telling me the problem or the cost. He said before he recovered the vehicle that if it were the transmission that he had that exact one in stock fully reconditioned and i could have the car back in 24hrs. The man never called or answered his phone so i had to drive down there. The box was already out so i was gutted as i want to take the vehicle back. He said it was the transmission and that he was reconditioning mine and doesn't remember telling me he had one in stock. he said it would take a couple of days. i start to panick as after meeting him i know he is a complete con artist of the highest order. Two days later he calls and says the transfer box needs doing also and would be extra, so far looking at over 2k. Friday just gone he calls now to say i need a new prop shaft as it has stripped also. He said he is having trouble locating one and he needs to talk to me. I feel powerless as the man has my car in bits. I have a hunch that you guys on here were right and that it wasn't the auto box at all and i am being taken for a mug. trying to work out what way to play this out. Any advice from anyone who maybe familiar with consumer rights in this situation would be welcomed. As of Monday i will be seeking legal advice.

kind regards.

read the crock of **** thread and contact trading standards IMMEDIATELY!!

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