Bloody Nora - didn't know ordinary pets bills could run that high - expected it for nags etc but not dogs :eek:

Glad I just stuck to the stick insect rule in our house - not too many tears or pennies shed when they shuffle off the planet . There's a lot to be said for not having a huge love of animals I guess :eek:

Hope things get sorted though soon- both for your wallet's sake but mainly your heart's sake
Back from the vets and they did some more test but did not find anything,

Fantic the seam a lot more sure in what there doing noticed lots of little things they did which the current vets have never done. Up at 6:30 to take her for the crmra down her throat.
I can only say good luck mate. I have 2 dogs and they too would be priority over me land rover.
My dog has been ill for nearly 18 months now. The insurance paid back the first £1000 but that was as much as they'd cover. It's costing around £250-£300 a month to keep my dog alive. The annoying thing is that tablets are the vast majority of the costs. As long as she's happy and not suffering we'll keep paying.

Have you tried the internet for the drugs. I have horsey friends who were paying that sort of money each month. Now they get prescriptions from their vet (they cant refuse) and buy the drugs from online stores at less than half the price. Same stuff as well.

Good luck today Warrior, hope she is OK
Feel for you mate. My dog has developed joints dysplasia very early but my insurer(sainsbury's) never had a problem with direct claims. They cover up to 7.5k per condition although I think this year they changed policy and you have to pay percentage of the bill as well as excess(75quid). Fingers crossed for you.
Sh1tt .. feel for you man, horrible choice to make.

It was one of the reasons we stopped having pets. Main was 'cos we often had to choose between them at weekends, boarding kennels etc and 'going away' etc, so decided it wasn't fair, then a friends vet bill for a feckin' Yorkshire Terrier swayed us ... that and the vets bills sister keeps getting for her horses!!

Having said that I'll pm you, interested in the diff lockers and Kam shafts .. soon as my insurance money comes in.
Any news Steve, hope everything went well

Yes and know, she seams better in her self and dint find anything wrong today but there keeping her in over night as they still don't know e exsactly what's up,

There's is some fluid in her stomach and intestines and they dontb know what it is or why is there, and her stomach is slight Inflamed

As it stands now if nothing changes the insurance will pay out and my Landy will stay as it is, and if not some good mates have offered to lend me the cash to pay with

Yes and know, she seams better in her self and dint find anything wrong today but there keeping her in over night as they still don't know e exsactly what's up,

There's is some fluid in her stomach and intestines and they dontb know what it is or why is there, and her stomach is slight Inflamed

As it stands now if nothing changes the insurance will pay out and my Landy will stay as it is, and if not some good mates have offered to lend me the cash to pay with

Nice one mate. Glad the dog seems fine and that you're keeping your Landy, seriously. ;)
Yes and know, she seams better in her self and dint find anything wrong today but there keeping her in over night as they still don't know e exsactly what's up,

There's is some fluid in her stomach and intestines and they dontb know what it is or why is there, and her stomach is slight Inflamed

As it stands now if nothing changes the insurance will pay out and my Landy will stay as it is, and if not some good mates have offered to lend me the cash to pay with

Great news :)

If the dog gets a slight limp for a day or two will the synthetic rope be available? :D
Well she's stayin in another night but has developed the runs, should have her back tomorrow :)

So as it stands no bits are been sold, besides my bike engined track car which I was selling anyway, if I need some money I have a good mate who will lend me it for as long ad I need.
Warrior ~sorry to hear about the dog. Good luck with it.

We had to put down my uncles dalmation legs went completly its horrible as loyal dogs are considered as much as a family member in our family.

Keep all your stuff mate until you need the cash asap your mate sounds like a good chap also!!

If you do find you need to sell bits let me know.

All the best

Well after my other half arguing with the vets and insurance the paid up and we have our girl home again and my Landy is safe for now.

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