Hi. All
After replacing my rear dampers,and feeling elated that I had completed this I decided to take the rr out for a spin.when I got back I realised in my excitement I had left the locking nut socket in the wheel, so this is now gone. I cannot find any info in my paper work of a socket number so I can. Get a replacement and I have no idea how to get them off can anyone please help.
Contact JLR with the VIN number ?
Unusual not to find a reference to the socket code amongst the car's paperwork, I've had quite old vehicles that still had that info.
Not sure which year you have but you can buy the BMW replacement for a lot less than the RR one. They can be bought online.
Hi. All
After replacing my rear dampers,and feeling elated that I had completed this I decided to take the rr out for a spin.when I got back I realised in my excitement I had left the locking nut socket in the wheel, so this is now gone. I cannot find any info in my paper work of a socket number so I can. Get a replacement and I have no idea how to get them off can anyone please help.
Contact JLR with the VIN number ?
Unusual not to find a reference to the socket code amongst the car's paperwork, I've had quite old vehicles that still had that info.
Thanks Norseman the genuine alloy wheel bolts I have, these have been added later I assume as they where on it when I bought it,they are stormer 20 inch and the nuts are different to the originals?
If its still the original locking nut there should be a number stamped on the front face of the locknut, think its 3 numbers and that identifies the correct one. Other than that most tyre fitters will get them off easy enough.
Contact JLR with the VIN number ?
Unusual not to find a reference to the socket code amongst the car's paperwork, I've had quite old vehicles that still had that info.
If its still the original locking nut there should be a number stamped on the front face of the locknut, think its 3 numbers and that identifies the correct one. Other than that most tyre fitters will get them off easy enough.
ill take a look they are pretty rusty as they are smooth and pitted.
If you have a local indie....... Take it there I'm sure they will know straight away if they are genuine lockers or not.....if they are genuine they will probably have all the locking keys....

Failing that, get a locking wheel nut removal set......left hand threads...... Screw them on and off the lockers come
Convenient for the OP, but with kit like that freely available it makes you wonder what price security o_O

True.... But like anything, with security you are just adding an inconvenience and extra time for them to get their dirty thieving hands on something (but hopefully the visual deterrent would have been enough to put someone off )
Convenient for the OP, but with kit like that freely available it makes you wonder what price security o_O

It's more about slowing them down. To either inconvenience the thieving gits enough for them to possibly walk away, or for long enough to get caught.

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