
New Member
Long story short, my left, right, and rear door keys were accidentally given to someone by accident, and were lost in the post when trying to return them. No spares unfortunately.

Would it be easiest/cheapest to try and get new keys cut for all three barrels? Or try and replace the barrels? I assumed that you wouldn’t be able to change the barrels without the keys, so I’d have to buy whole new lock mechanisms for all the doors?

It is possible to change the barrels without the key but it is a lot of effort and risk of damaging the mechanism so it depends on how much you want to spend vs how much you value your time.
Ah apologies. 1995 Defender 90.

A new set of locks and keys is generally under £15.
If the doors are locked it can be a real pain to replace, if not, as long as you can get at the back of the lock, it's not that hard to do.

Did mine a couple of years ago [just worn and sloppy] worst part time wise is removing the door trims. You tube is your friend.
Defender door locks? but why? lollysticks are freely available .....:)
Probably a bit late for this thread, but can say I went to Timpsons recently to get a key cut - ie the one for the drivers door on my 90 - which is the same as the one which also opens the fuel cap (you may need more than a set of three locks). They did go out of their way to be helpful but in the end needed several days to obtain the right blank and then wanted to charge me £30 for one key - eventually settled on £20. Moral of the story - make sure you agree price in advance if you go to a key cutter. Agree changing door locks on a 90 not too hard but not sure about the fuel cap.

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