
New Member
Hi All,
Sorry to trouble you, but, I've lost my keys to my roof box and need some advice.

I have a 2009 Freelander 2 and for the life of me I can't find my keys anywhere. I've spoken to Landrover who said they don't do replacement keys. I'd love to find some replacement keys somewhere but I don't know where to go. There is no make on the roof box apart from the Landrover branding. There is a code on the lock itself which is N123. Is there a master key I can buy from somewhere?

If I get a locksmith to pick the lock, what are the chances of them being able to replace the lock? I am loathed to spend a lot of money replacing the whole roof box given that I want to trade in the Freelander for a new Defender as soon as there is a hybrid/electric option available.

Any advice would be fantastic, thank you!
A good locksmith will open your lock in less than 5 minuets by picking the lock without even damaging it if he
is a good locksmith where as a bad or dodgy locksmith will drill it open & charge you for a whole new lock.
Not sure if he can cut a new key but he might be able to fit a new barrel so you will get a new set of keys to go with it.
Phone around a bit as sometimes they do try to stitch you up money wise. Make sure you ask if they can pick a lock first.
Good luck
A good locksmith will open your lock in less than 5 minuets by picking the lock without even damaging it if he
is a good locksmith where as a bad or dodgy locksmith will drill it open & charge you for a whole new lock.
Not sure if he can cut a new key but he might be able to fit a new barrel so you will get a new set of keys to go with it.
Phone around a bit as sometimes they do try to stitch you up money wise. Make sure you ask if they can pick a lock first.
Good luck

Great advice! thank you Tonybell
Hello and welcome:)
looking at the design of the box looks like the same as the halfords ones made by thrule the n123 will probably be the key number, you could try thrule
Most these can be defeated with a small leccy screwdriver. I would not be relying on a roof box for security and would use it for what it is. If you want the lock to work to keep the thing from flying open at speed then use a decent strap otherwise your stuff will be on the windscreen of the truck chasing you.
Thank you all for your advice. I called around 8 or 9 locksmith's trying to find someone that could pick the lock rather than drill it out. The last locksmith I tried knew exactly what I was talking about and had a replacement key! (JCM Locksmiths Limited – Kingston Upon Thames).

I've just picked it up and it works perfectly. I'm absolutely over the moon! I'm just surprised that the other locksmiths had no idea, nor Landrover. But I'm delighted now.

If I hadn't had your advice, I would probably be sat here with a drilled open roof box lock and needing a replacement. So, again, thank you!

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