
New Member
lost enthusiasm,my project s3 109 is now in the for sale's tax exempt if that helps the sale.have a look,i want my driveway back!
I wonder about mine from time to time, but the mrs really wants it so I'd better finish the job.
Sorry to see you've given up, **** happens.
109's are not worth as much, but they still sell, try eblag, its all down to the pics, wait for a really nice day and take some shots with cool angles.
i really cannot be bothered to answer all the stupid questions i know i'll get asked if i list it on ebay,i'm giving it a week then i'll weigh it in.
post some pics of it here, someone will have it off you

failing that it's at least a week since Si bought a landy ...........
I might have it BigChap. I'll have a word with the wifey. Then we have to find a way to get it the 5 miles to my place
How far did you get in fixing her up.?

I was trying to remember what she looked like when we dragged her out with the doggy handbrake
got a fair bit done,wiring does my head in though.i reckon that with a couple of blokes on the job it would be finished in a month easily.
well.... tis a shame but i have enough to do , post some pics up tho ;)

they take me too long to do too :D:D and she says they cost too much when iv finished them

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