mr glee

Active Member
Just as I exited a dual carriageway seem to lose cruise control but then found throttle was unresponsive pulled over in a cloud of thick white smoke idle was lumpy would not rev above 1500 rpm and very lumpy with lots of smoke and engine check light lit up then went out and smoke stopped hmmm seems ok moved off again slowly still running lumpy then ok then check light,lumpy and smoke this repeated for a short while several times then light went out and ran as normal for the last 1/2 mile.will a code be stored not that I have a code reader to read it.any ideas what was going on?.just took it for a short spin perfect for 100 yards then as above. 97 Edc auto
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Disco 1 ! I thought they were just hand gestures and smoke signals to communicate with them unless a very late one but even so I'm not certain they have much technology worth reading. What motor does it have?
Check your coolant levels for loss but could also be merely down to fuelling, injectors, etc.
If it ran fine later it may simply be fuelling and need some injectors.
Is it properly serviced and have a good timing belt?
Good luck.
300tdi Edc has maf sensor ,4th injector wired,fly by wire throttle not sure it might also have a crank sensor???.belt is good a serviced regularly.
300tdi Edc has maf sensor ,4th injector wired,fly by wire throttle not sure it might also have a crank sensor???.belt is good a serviced regularly.
Its a process of elimination then. First got to rule out water, which is the more usual cause, by checking coolant levels and possibly fuel contamination itself.
If OK then fuelling needs a good going through, including state of hoses to and from turbo. As you started this when coming off dual carriageway it could well be something like hoses because you say it got better after a short while and then ran normally without smoke once off dual carriageway and after a period of slow tickover.
Delaminated hoses to turbo being fairly common cause for most types of diesel engines!!
Ok thanks will check that.just had the bleed screw off the filter after priming the filter took 10 strokes before fuel appeared started and idle was ok for 15 seconds then lumpy opened the bleed screw while engine was still running no diesel appeared and after 10 seconds died fueling problem?.
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Ok thanks will check that.just had the bleed screw off the filter after priming the filter took 10 strokes before fuel appeared started and idle was ok for 15 seconds then lumpy opened the bleed screw while engine was still running no diesel appeared and after 10 seconds died fueling problem?.
Not sure if you opened bleed screw when running.
So its not running well now, its lumpy?
I thought it was ok before you parked it up and ran normal over last 1/2 mile!
Is it emitting white smoke as well as running lumpy and does it smell of diesel or not (probably everything now smells of diesel if you have been bleeding the pump).
After plenty of cranking will start and idles beautiful for 20 seconds then lumpy for a short while with smoke then cuts out,this process can be repeated until I flattened the battery which is now on it is now totally un-driveable
That sounds like fuelling. I had that issue trying to start a newly rebuilt 200tdi engine for the first time and it basically needed bleeding properly. You may have introduced air this morning. However if still white smoking you need to confirm whether any water/coolant has been lost and whether you are getting unburnt diesel smell or not.
If you have a coolant loss you should check cylinder compression and possibly be considering taking the head off to check HG or head itself.
If coolant is good then check hoses (easy enough), bleed properly and check air filter (take out for ease of breathing atm).
If still nothing then check timing belt condition and timing.
Again thanks for the help going to check the coolant level this afternoon when it's cooled down see if I get a hiss as I undo the cap and I need to sleep now (night worker).I think (maybe clutching at straws) getting fuel priming the pump by hand or cranking but it can't keep up with the engine running. I'm pretty sure I should be getting fuel out of the filter bleed screw while engine is running can some confirm?.
Again thanks for the help going to check the coolant level this afternoon when it's cooled down see if I get a hiss as I undo the cap and I need to sleep now (night worker).I think (maybe clutching at straws) getting fuel priming the pump by hand or cranking but it can't keep up with the engine running. I'm pretty sure I should be getting fuel out of the filter bleed screw while engine is running can some confirm?.
Should be a positive pressure from lift pump to filter so yes should get fuel out.
Ok I'm awake.coolant level,air filter and IP timing are all as should be.ordered a lift pump and 5m of fuel hose to bypass the sedimenter as I can't get the bolt undone or the fuel unions as all rotted away and round.the smoke smelt of fuel and only produced while in its death throws of idle.
Thought I would have a go at the sedimenter and after many cups of tea success and I now have a doughnut to go with my next cup of tea
:( Pollock's!!! :( still doing it not getting any fuel out of the bleed screw with engine running but do if I use the priming lever on the lift pump..can only guess the lift pumps lazy.
:( Pollock's!!! :( still doing it not getting any fuel out of the bleed screw with engine running but do if I use the priming lever on the lift pump..can only guess the lift pumps lazy.
Or the lift pump arm that runs against the cam is kaput.
Cheers gazbo just removed the pump and glad to report all the arm is there a bench test I can do to confirm as I delivers fuel on priming lever and cranking only and can feel a vacuum under my finger but no pressure on outlet but I can feel a puff of air when uncovered.what is the life expectancy of these units was a delphi 50,000 miles.
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Found a video on Youtube "300tdi lift pump autopsy" these have two check/ one way valves inside one of mine has failed.can really feel the difference on the new unit it sucks and blows :D.will fit tomorrow.was going to check sender but very badly corroded unions will replace as soon as I get paid before this bites me in the ass.
:D:D:D my god it hasn't started or ran this good for years:D:D:D think that lift pump been playing up all this time just goes to show just because it primed on the lever doesn't mean it's ok.

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