
Good day to all I have the TD4 the vehicle was running fine but it was time to change filters so I changed the Air, Fuel, Pollen, oil & filter problem started when carried out for a spin while going up a hill vehicle backfired lost power and stared to smoke carried back home friend told me to check out the fuel filter used the one I took out as test got back power but still smoking BLACK any help will be appreciated thanks.
Hi mate , I know bugger all about cars but when mine lost power and smoked black smoke it was the big hose on top of the engine that was split at the back side out of sight . Untill someone of some use posts may be worth a look .

atvb Paul.
Hi mate , I know bugger all about cars but when mine lost power and smoked black smoke it was the big hose on top of the engine that was split at the back side out of sight . Untill someone of some use posts may be worth a look .

atvb Paul.

Thanks for the info will check out the hoses, but still wondering about the backfire and why I had to change the fuel filter back to the old one but still THANKS.
Black smoke is overfueling. Check all air hoses and their connections. As you have just changed your air filter I would start there.
Guy’s you were on the mark with checking the hoses it was one of the turbo hoses so no more smoke but I’m hearing a vacuum sound don’t know if associated with the turbo because found oil in the hose I reconnected I here it when running hard hoses are tight and no split’s found any more help suggestions.
Guy’s you were on the mark with checking the hoses it was one of the turbo hoses so no more smoke but I’m hearing a vacuum sound don’t know if associated with the turbo because found oil in the hose I reconnected I here it when running hard hoses are tight and no split’s found any more help suggestions.

there's always a certain amount of oil in the hoses so don't worry about that. as for the noise is it definitely an air leak or could it be that you now hear better turbo boost?
When i changed all of my hoses and filters the engine made a differant noise than it did before so it my be that it is just running better, also you do not mention the most important filter, the crank case filter, did you change that at the same time, needs doing every 12 months or the turbo may blow.:(
When i changed all of my hoses and filters the engine made a differant noise than it did before so it my be that it is just running better, also you do not mention the most important filter, the crank case filter, did you change that at the same time, needs doing every 12 months or the turbo may blow.:(

Thanks for the heads up on the crank case filter did not know about that one where is it or how easy is it to get to.

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