kate black

New Member
My husband has changed my head gasket after my 90 turned into a kettle, steam coming out of exhaust, nearly home so didnt overheat, head bolts renewed,and tightened as per instructions, head clean and level, only thing now has a loss of power/revs when climbing hills etc and black smoke when revving, which i never had before, any ideas anyone :D PLEASE
My husband has changed my head gasket after my 90 turned into a kettle, steam coming out of exhaust, nearly home so didnt overheat, head bolts renewed,and tightened as per instructions, head clean and level, only thing now has a loss of power/revs when climbing hills etc and black smoke when revving, which i never had before, any ideas anyone :D PLEASE
check air pipes to and from turbo,check waste gate rod hasnt come off ,black smoke is excess fuel or not enough air ,latter seems more likely since he would have had hoses off
The timing should not have been affected:- cylinder head removal does not involve touching or adjusting the fuel pump or the timing belt. The more likely cause is something that has been missed when re-assembling such as intercooler hose jubilee clips not being tight or the valve gaps being a tad too tight.

sorry pos learn me to read it prop first
time wont rev and blacksmoke i have had a slite bend in a push rod
on assembly ware it just knippedthem when torqueing head down
sorrry dident read it properly first tme
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sorry pos learn me to read it prop first
time wont rev and blacksmoke i have had a slite bend in a push rod
on assembly ware it just knippedthem when torqueing head down
sorrry dident read it properly first tme

Good point! A bent push rod is very possible. It is also a possibility that the push rod was not seated in the follower correctly. If it was sat to the side of its bowled recess in the brass slide at the bottom of the pushrod hole in the head it would inevitably bend and cause valve opening / closing problems as it bounces about whilst the engine is running.

All this wonderful advice and yet no-one has said check the valve clearance. If they are incorrectly adjusted you will lose power and gain smoke. in affect you are changing your engine timing with incorrectly gapped valves. But hey thats where I would start as you would not have touched anything else and I prusume your engine ran ok before the head gasket was changed.
All this wonderful advice and yet no-one has said check the valve clearance. If they are incorrectly adjusted you will lose power and gain smoke. in affect you are changing your engine timing with incorrectly gapped valves. But hey thats where I would start as you would not have touched anything else and I prusume your engine ran ok before the head gasket was changed.

I mentioned it :p

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