
Active Member
What ever did I do in a previous life, so bad that I suffer the despair of Landrover ownership? Fix a fault and bam, another one appears. So, having grappled with the difficulties of replacing a duff FPR, which came hot on the heels of a water pump failure and replacement, I discovered a puddle of oil underneath having driven about 10 miles since repairs. Christmas was looming so I parked up and decided to sort in the new year.
Went out and had a look this week and didn't see any oil. I decided to go for a run to warm it up and so took my dog out for a trip to the woods. All seemed ok, no oil leaks visible. went home, parked, opened the tailgate and clunk! Bloody hinges broken, door dropped down a bit and bent part of hinge bracket and damaged bottom corner of the door. WTF? :mad:
So, unable to close the tailgate and secure the vehicle, I had to remove the tailgate and take off the hinges for repair. Easier said than done. Tried drilling out the broken pins but broke the only drill bit I had that was cutting through. I decided to cut my losses and order a pair of replacement hinges and matching paint. Which is where I'm at; waiting for paint to dry with the disco parked back against my garage door blocking the kin driveway.

So, fellow sufferers, when the hinges are on, will I be able to line it all up so that it locks or will another inbuilt obsolescence bite me? And where is that oil going to be coming from? o_O It was black and very engine oil as far as I could tell. Dipstick shows I have plenty still in it. Anyone want to start taking bets on my next problem or maybe how long before I string myself up? :eek:
Its unfortunate but thats part of ownership these things do happen, but i do think fixing them helps you get to know your landy, its like having a relationship with a person they have good days and bad days but when everything is working they are a joy to own, try and enjoy fixing it knowing that you will feel really good when its done, when i got my D1 it was as rusty as anything but i spent a month rebuilding it and at times i could have towed down the scrap yard but i persevered and now i have a TD5 and cant bear to sell the D1 im too attached to it lol
Wait for an issue you can live with and make the next one wait in line :D

or wait till the next thing 'happens' then drive on regardless o_O



Rich. (too deaf to hear ALL the noises!!)


not quite same as you as mine are 200tdi Disco1's but I feel your pain:(
Yes fact of life with Landies! Always waiting for the next thing to go wrong!
Mine paid me back for all the recent work by killing its battery on the way home last night, so thats just cost me £99 for another one (good 110Ah one)
But to be fair they (D2's) are getting on now.
Tailgate hinges now replaced and the door opening, closing, and locking beautifully. £133 worse off. No further signs of the oil leak so still waiting for that to resurface.
So, thus far:-
Welded up rusted chassis
Rear light cluster replaced
Wing mirror replaced
Headlining off,sunroofs out and resealed
Head gasket replaced
Injector harness replaced
Oil cleaned from loom
Thermostat replaced
Expansion tank feed pipe replaced
Expansion tank cap replaced
Ride height sensors replaced
Replaced corroded brake pipes
Fitted new uprated brake pads and discs all round
Turbo oil feed banjo washers replaced
Fuel Pressure Regulator replaced
Tailgate hinges replaced
Changed wheels/tyres
Serviced a few times
Removed kiddy seats, belts, headrests, etc
Boost pressure increased

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