Hope your right mate, should have locked the country down completely in February and it would all a memory now,but hindsight is a wonderful thing.:)

No, until there is a vaccine it will keep coming back. You cannot lock everything down until we get there. Besides, for the young there is negligible risk. If some councils hadn't argued the toss and locked down when told then we wouldn't be here either. Mind you, if they'd had proper support and the government hadn't been flaffing about with tiers we also wouldn't be here.
There are 3 lots of codes that might need syncing if the battery goes totally flat:

1) EKA.
2) Engine immobiliser code.
3) keyfob sync.

Dont forget the alarm sensor code...

IGNORE THIS POST.... I didn't read properly... (time for bed I feel)
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Why is battery going flat in the first place?

Mine was caused by the alarm sensor on the door pillar. bought new one and it sorted problem.

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