Hi Joadalama i am an ex pat and now live in poland and drove out here and have done many times and it was during driving out that i had the problem of almost being side swiped and the kind of system i have in mind is linked in to the trailer and truck via a connector and would activate when the indicator is used, it would sense the presence of a vehicle or cycle and i thought of it primarily for use on motorways as i thought it would be a problem in the city when going around a corner, i think my idea would be better if it was put in to a truck from new as the truck scene in the UK is one that is not doing very well, i know people that are strugeling from week to week to stay afloat and idont know about the cost of it yet its just in the idea phase of things and being developed a bit more every now and then
Thanks for your help
The indicator triggered idea is a nice one. During inactivity there will be no annoying beeps. I think it will be easy to adapt into the lexguard system. Have a look at .:LEXGUARD:. and click on the union jack at the top for the english text. As I look at the image on the product page they also have a sensor on the trailer. BTW have no stocks in that company ;)

I totally agree that something like that should be on every new truck. Only problem is that trailers are used for many years, so it takes quite some time before every lorry has a complete system. Also some EU-committee should develop a kind of iso-standard so that all the manufacturers of trailers and trucks use the same interface.

Until then, driving on the motorway with your (old) Landy will be a life threatening experience. Lorry drivers see you just as a irritating slow car, other drivers see you as irritating slow kind of van. It's just a big suitcase on wheels, but it fits easily in a lorry's blind spot. I try to avoid motorways as much as I can and if there is no other choice I use the volvo of the misses instead.
The blindspot is a big problem but the way i see it is that if people stopped ****ing about with sat navs,ipods and mobile phones while driving and concentrated on what they were doing (including truck drivers) our roads would be a lot safer.
The blindspot is a big problem but the way i see it is that if people stopped ****ing about with sat navs,ipods and mobile phones while driving and concentrated on what they were doing (including truck drivers) our roads would be a lot safer.

Im an artic driver and this is defiantly the main problem. People need to just use there heads a bit more an open there eyes1
buttler lol, they are cheap as chips now, the just dont work lol

best way to avoid biking injurys is to add a roof, 2 other wheels and 6 extra cyliders :)

Are they all bad? or is it like the Freelander, where certain variants are OK?

Not had time to teach myself about Range Rovers yet, well, beyond the basics like a P38 is a range rover, and that range rovers come with butlers ;)
Are they all bad? or is it like the Freelander, where certain variants are OK?

Not had time to teach myself about Range Rovers yet, well, beyond the basics like a P38 is a range rover, and that range rovers come with butlers ;)

They don't come with butlers.

One must have a butler before one is permitted to purchase a Range Rover.
Standards must be preserved you understand.


As a holder of a class one licence I think educating the numpties is better than having a ding a ling constantly going off in the cab of a truck.
Are they all bad? or is it like the Freelander, where certain variants are OK?

Not had time to teach myself about Range Rovers yet, well, beyond the basics like a P38 is a range rover, and that range rovers come with butlers ;)

no gaylander variants are ok!
The indicator triggered idea is a nice one. During inactivity there will be no annoying beeps. I think it will be easy to adapt into the lexguard system. Have a look at .:LEXGUARD:. and click on the union jack at the top for the english text. As I look at the image on the product page they also have a sensor on the trailer. BTW have no stocks in that company ;)

I totally agree that something like that should be on every new truck. Only problem is that trailers are used for many years, so it takes quite some time before every lorry has a complete system. Also some EU-committee should develop a kind of iso-standard so that all the manufacturers of trailers and trucks use the same interface.

Until then, driving on the motorway with your (old) Landy will be a life threatening experience. Lorry drivers see you just as a irritating slow car, other drivers see you as irritating slow kind of van. It's just a big suitcase on wheels, but it fits easily in a lorry's blind spot. I try to avoid motorways as much as I can and if there is no other choice I use the volvo of the misses instead.

hi just had a look at the Lexguard and it would be very easy for them to upgrade to the kind of system i am thinking about and if they were to use there 30kph speed time out and then have it cut back in again at say 80 to 96kmh that pretty much covers the motorway usage that way they could use it for indicator on off usage as well as their standard system that they are using and i like their sensors as its enough to be safe but not enough to be a nusance and if you could wire them all along the trailer and have them on a quick connect plug (similar kind of thing to the air brakes), could be going somewhere
:scratching_chin:I think anyone that calls driving a job needs a life. Most people drive every day, on their way to proper jobs. Unless you are a traffic cop or a racing driver, driving is not a job and you are not professional drivers. I have an HGV (Well that was what it was called when I got it), a full motorbike, a tracked vehicle and a full car licence since 1976 but I'm not a professional driver. I just drive.
I eat every day but I'm not a gourmet. I walk every day but I'm not an athlete. Ffs guys! Lorry drivers, taxi drivers and others like them simply deliver stuff to more clever people or those that are better employed doing clever stuff while those that can only drive just do that. Clever people drive to work and let others drive other stuff around!;)
already someone has suggested legislation for such

Aye, that'll fix it. Get the politicos to make it law that HGVs must have a beep beep when the indicate to change lanes and have another vehicle in defined position..

Bound to make the roads safer and save the kittens ;)

On the plus side, if they are messing about with HGV regs they aren't messing about with other stuff :)

On the down side, if they put up the cost of transport, they put up the cost of food :(

Has anyone suggested nuking all the politicians from orbit yet? :D

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