
Well-Known Member
Hi, is there any lorry drivers on here or people that travel europe a lot or have had the problem of being caught out in a lorrys blind spot, come up with an idea the other day and im kind of looking for a will it work in real life, what it basically is, is a saftey device lorry goes to change lanes or comes in tight around a corner and a buzzer goes off in the cab to notify the driver something is in his blind spot does any one know of any thing like this do you think it will work and is it worth doing ??
I see what your saying, I drive artics for a living but 9/10 times if there's something in your blind spot it's due to the dumb ass trying to squeeze through on a roundabout or junction,

I tend to close the gap and remove there mirror or scare the crap out of them lol!! They don't do it to me again

I don't think any one will fork out in this current climate as there is very little work around at the mo and with the price of diesel aswell its hard enough out there to keep going

Just my opinion tho sure others will have there view :)
what i mean is for motorway work i know full well a european truck with a car or land rover down the inside of it near the rear axles of an artics trailer (midish way) cant be seen in the mirrors and they get sideswiped if you were to incorperate a system in to the indicators and gps of a modern lorry (for use in LHD countries and one for use in RHD countries) so that it knows when its on a motorway and is only active when the indicators are in use, sensors activate and would warn the driver of another vehicles presence along side the lorry hopefuly stopping the driver from hitting said vehicle
what i mean is for motorway work i know full well a european truck with a car or land rover down the inside of it near the rear axles of an artics trailer (midish way) cant be seen in the mirrors and they get sideswiped if you were to incorperate a system in to the indicators and gps of a modern lorry (for use in LHD countries and one for use in RHD countries) so that it knows when its on a motorway and is only active when the indicators are in use, sensors activate and would warn the driver of another vehicles presence along side the lorry hopefuly stopping the driver from hitting said vehicle[/quote

Artic drivers don't use indicators same as f^%£ing taxi drivers. lol
You mean like "blind spot assistance". As fitted to audi's, jaguars, BMW, Mercs, frauds.... Everything?

Issue with trucks are the trailers. No common ground. But it won't be long.
thats it but you would have to incorperate it in to a trucks GPS other wise it would set off all the time when driving in towns or citys
I see what your saying, I drive artics for a living but 9/10 times if there's something in your blind spot it's due to the dumb ass trying to squeeze through on a roundabout or junction,

I tend to close the gap and remove there mirror or scare the crap out of them lol!! They don't do it to me again

I don't think any one will fork out in this current climate as there is very little work around at the mo and with the price of diesel aswell its hard enough out there to keep going

Just my opinion tho sure others will have there view :)

I think this comment might just be one of the biggest stumbling blocks, truck drivers are generally ****s that think mite is right,but when im in the disco i use the same rule with crazy polish drivers and that is fine, when its trucks they are bigger than everything else and just barge through:rolleyes: i dont think any owner operators would be interested and big haulage firms are already trying to cut costs not investing in new stuff.
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truck drivers are generally ****s that think might is right

Not all truck drivers :mad: I'm a truck driver and i slow down and stop to let little old ladys cross the street.....................then scare the **** out of them with a blast on the twin airhorns! :D
I'm one of life's motoring survivalists, so if there is an artic about I generally stay the hell out it's blind spot, or while passing through it rapidly will make sure I've got an exit if needed.
if you rely on electickery you may well become complacent and then when it fails bad things happen.

Think of the p38 :p
if you rely on electickery you may well become complacent and then when it fails bad things happen.

Think of the p38 :p

A bit like relying on crash cages, air bags, ABS, ESP, 'Advanced Training' etc to keep you out of hospital :D
what i mean is for motorway work i know full well a european truck with a car or land rover down the inside of it near the rear axles of an artics trailer (midish way) cant be seen in the mirrors and they get sideswiped if you were to incorperate a system in to the indicators and gps of a modern lorry (for use in LHD countries and one for use in RHD countries) so that it knows when its on a motorway and is only active when the indicators are in use, sensors activate and would warn the driver of another vehicles presence along side the lorry hopefuly stopping the driver from hitting said vehicle[/quote

Artic drivers don't use indicators same as f^%£ing taxi drivers. lol

I'm a taxi driver, coach driver and artic driver. You must really hate me.
You can do a simple free search at the UK Patent Office (Intellectual Property Office - Welcome to the Intellectual Property Office) to see what others have come up with. I remember a big ad some years ago in the weekly Trademarks Journal that said something like 80% of what applicants try to get patents for have already been invented. So do a free search first - it sounds to me like a fairly basic idea so I wouldn't be surprised if it had been patented so long ago it was now out of patent!
the issue would be that it need to be fitted to the trailer not the tractor unit. Then it have to link into the cab. And your assuming they have a sat nav or at least a compatible one (mines nearly 10 years old....)And if they had a return load on a different wagon then that'll have to be compatible too. Etc etc.
A bit like relying on crash cages, air bags, ABS, ESP, 'Advanced Training' etc to keep you out of hospital :D

Yes, and its no substute for driving properly

no thats not electrickery

you must be a p38 driver :p
Renault were playing around with a system of all-round cameras...and no mirrors. Never drove one, and don't know if they progressed with it.:crazy_driver:

Would also help if motorists realised that a lorry indicating left, but moving out to the right, was signalling correctly..and the inside lane is NOT the place to be! :):D:)
Yes, and its no substute for driving properly

no thats not electrickery

you must be a p38 driver :p

Nah, Motorcyclist, with a pretty advanced knowledge of A&E procedure :(

After I got fed up of fetching mates from A&E, or beinngg fetched, I started to think about what I was actually doing on the road :D

Saying that ^^ I do like the looks of the RR, pity I can't afford the butler ;) :)
buttler lol, they are cheap as chips now, the just dont work lol

best way to avoid biking injurys is to add a roof, 2 other wheels and 6 extra cyliders :)
Well CJ,
I live in the netherlands, and as might you know, we have a lot of cyclists here and terrible accidents between lorries and cyclists happen here everyday, esp. on these cramped roundabouts you find in all our cities and villages. So our government has taken an active role in preventing this kind of blind spot-accidents. All lorries now have a blind spot mirror and some even have one or more cameras. A company called Intertruck has developed a system like you have in mind. It's called Lexguard. It's primarily focussed on avoiding accidents with cyclists, but if you mount it on the other side of the lorry and disable the speed dependent function, it will also be useful on motorways. German truck builder MAN also developed a system called turn-off assistant, which works in a similar way.

Lexguard costs around 1800 Euro. Don't know how the road transport market in the UK is nowadays, but on the continent companies find that 1800 euro too much. As for lorry drivers, most are professional and watch their mirror closely before they overtake and count vehicles going in and out of the blind spot. A tip I got from a lorry driver is to drive as near to the left of your lane as you can and overtake as quick as you can. In the UK it will be as near to the right of your lane as possible.

Needless to say that drivers from the "young EU members" who generally have got their driving license by saving Smirnoff coupons, have another attitude towards other motorists and think that they can pick a lane at random at any moment.

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