Nah, i think he means me. :rolleyes:

So what do the rest of us get?
You get to slag me off and take the **** to your hearts content :)
No seriously, i don't mind, i can give as good as i get, and i understand it's actually a rite of passage on this board which is fine by me ;)
In fact if you don't i will feel cheated somehow.

Posh spam, i kinda like that :D sounds like steak in a can to me.
but then you probably never tried Kleftico ;)

I would be quite happy to talk sponsorship, support, advertising etc, if someone would just point me in the right direction :D
A few quid just to ensure i don't step on anyones toes or feelings seems but a small price to pay. But then you would all have to be nice to me

I really am truly sorry if my past posts and comments have contained any commercial elements, i really never meant them too, it's just so bloody hard to switch off, after a long hard day doing e-mail sales replies, no matter how hard i try.

Daves.Angel do me but one favor, if you accept my generous offer and it sorts you out, might i suggest you make a reasonable donation to the board in return.
Nah, i think he means me. :rolleyes:

You get to slag me off and take the **** to your hearts content :)Could do that before if I wanted -what no stickers / pens
No seriously, i don't mind, i can give as good as i get, and i understand it's actually a rite of passage on this board which is fine by me ;)
In fact if you don't i will feel cheated somehow. Plenty of time for that, anything goes section
Posh spam, i kinda like that :D sounds like steak in a can to me.
but then you probably never tried Kleftico ;)

I would be quite happy to talk sponsorship, support, advertising etc, if someone would just point me in the right direction :D
A few quid just to ensure i don't step on anyones toes or feelings seems but a small price to pay. But then you would all have to be nice to me ****ing joking, you cant buy an easy ride round here-but chances are it will be on its bump stops in range rover section

I really am truly sorry if my past posts and comments have contained any commercial elements, i really never meant them too, it's just so bloody hard to switch off, after a long hard day doing e-mail sales replies, no matter how hard i try.

Daves.Angel do me but one favor, if you accept my generous offer and it sorts you out, might i suggest you make a reasonable donation to the board in return.

I'm happy to be a bystander for the moment- Suicidal p38 owners should have a sponsored Samaritans line.

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