
Active Member
Hi Folks,

Having strange trouble this past week and its got me baffled. I have searched for solutions and see various people having oil pressure issues but not intermittently like me just now?

Started last week when towing a car trailer and I heard fast rattles under the bonnet like there was no oil in the engine, but no oil pressure light on. It then cleared and ran smooth so I kept going. Later the same day after a blast to pass a truck on a hill the rattle came back but a tad louder and the oil light came on with it.

I pulled over at this point! Checked levels and plenty of oil in but sounded horrible so I called the AA. Anyway, after fella looked car over he said I'm not getting oil to top end or perhaps lifters were sticking, bit vague. I ended up getting towed home to have a look myself in detail.

Anyway, when engine was cooled down it ran smooth again and nice and quiet? I did a flush and dropped the oil and fitted new filter prior to top up. Started her up and everything ran sweet as a nut!

Drove into town today again nice and smooth all the way there and on my jobs. Then on the drive back home which is uphill, the rattles came back and the oil light came on again! Grr!

Pulled over and let it sit for a while. Hey presto, nice and quiet again so I set off for another 5 kms or so. Then the noise and rattles came back and after a further 1km the oil light back on again!

Car has now sat for an hour cooling at home but when I just tried it the rattles are there and very loud like no oil in the engine, but no oil light illuminated. I have turned it off and here I am waving a white flag!

I don't have a pressure gauge so no idea what it was running, but loosened the oil filter right off and started the engine thinking it would spray everywhere, but nothing shot out. SO that to me says there is no oil pressure?

But the engine drove with the rattle for approx. 10kms today in total with the rattle and didn't die. So there must be some oil getting around the system?

Sorry for the long story, but I'm now at my limit and no idea what or where to check. I am hoping you Gurus out there can direct me of what to check. Please!!

Thanks in advance for your help,

Pre-empting a reply, would this issue be related to the oil pressure relief valve I have read about? Can I get at this without stripping the engine down? Hoping for an easy fix, with fingers very tightly crossed!! ;)

Td5? Known fault is oil pump sprocket bolts work loose ,and sprocket doesn't turn the pump anymore,will be intermittent to start with then just end up with no pressure
The more I read I am leaning towards having a go at replacing the oil pump gear set. Problem is parts here are not exactly off the shelf and for what ever reason, bloody expensive! So I normally order parts from UK and have them shipped. I have read through the RAVE manual just now and does seem to be a bit of a large job! But I am willing to have a go...

Would anyone know what a complete parts list I would need to order for doing this job please?
Also when ARVE mentions the use of Land Rover tools, am I fine with my own tools for all of the jobs required for this swap?

No special tools needed,you won't know what it needs until stripped,have heard of oil pump gears cracking in the v8,gears are available,may need a new front cover,could just be pressure relief valve stuck,you might do all that start it up and sound like a tractor because big end and main bearing shells are worn,probably worth replacing these as well,
Noise is all top end and only heard when pressure lost (I think) so bearings should be fine. When I did the oil change it all looks a bit busy under there and couldn't even see the part where the relief valve sits. I will have another look under there this week and see if I can get to it without stripping half the engine off! Cheers

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