not a break pad with a indicator getting low is it and touching the disc? had that on my r400 and took me weeks to work out what it was!

My advice go round it with some wd40 on individual components one at a time when screeching stops youve got your problem

Wasn't there a thing about rear subframe/chassis cracking or something that made a funny noise?
Brake disks and pads are new but wouldn't rule out an issue with the way they were refitted, although I had them off again to check.
Noise is defo from the front and no sign of issues that I can see with the subframe.
This noise only showed up for the first time while driving home from the MOT centre. The machines they use to test shocks over here in NI put a terrible vibration through them and I am blaming that for the problem.
Already tried WD40 and no better.
Brake disks and pads are new but wouldn't rule out an issue with the way they were refitted, although I had them off again to check.
Noise is defo from the front and no sign of issues that I can see with the subframe.
This noise only showed up for the first time while driving home from the MOT centre. The machines they use to test shocks over here in NI put a terrible vibration through them and I am blaming that for the problem.
Already tried WD40 and no better.

Could be the MOT has knackered a shock then, its not unheard off over here either.

My money is either on the top shock mount/bearing, either the rubber has shrunk and gone hard over the years or the bearing has collapsed, or the spring has lost half a coil but that should have been picked up on the MOT

Might be worth getting a pry bar in around all the joint on the lower arms and subframe to see of there's any excessive play.
Not a very successful day on the rattle front. I started to take out the strut then realised it ain't that simple. Drop link and track rod end came off nice and easy as recently fitted, getting at the turret nuts was a bit of a faff as the fuse box is in the way but only took a few minutes to remove and they came off easy. The wishbone was also recently fitted so should come out easy but that was when I realised I would have to take off the brake pad sensor and took cold feet. There is probably an easy way to get it off without breaking it but I didn't want to introduce an issue so decided to do another wee job and put off the strut until I have a spare from a scrapper handy.
A couple of months ago I replaced the brakes with Brembo discs and Pagid pads as I thought I was keeping it. Since then I've decided to sell it on and keep the 04 car but it will need brake discs soon. Being a tight fisted git the thought of selling the car, probably for peanuts with Brembo's while I need new discs for the other car annoyed me. With that in mind I bought new a set of Eicher discs (cheap) and pads from Eurocarparts so today I took off the Brembo's and fitted the Eicher's.
That might sound mean but the Eicher discs and pads look excellent so when she is sold the buyer will not be buying a dog.
Here are a few couple of photo's.


Pushing the piston in for the new pads.

The other job I wanted to do was have another go at welding up the VCU. As I said in an earlier post I had tried rewelding it before but the fluid kept pushing out through the weld like molten lava so I had to drain some fluid out and knocked this stand together for it.


In the photo I have ground it back with a flap wheel and was now ready to try again. It worked much better this time but the welds will remain as they are. I will not be grinding them back this time so hopefully won't have any more trouble. No after photos yet but I think it is a better job as I think I have the welder set up better.
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Got Gerty ready for sale today, :(
VCU is rewelded and refitted. Had another go at the noise from the front left and failed again :confused: but can defo say it ain't the suspension bushes.
I realised after watching an episode of Hotrod Garage the strut shouldn't be hard to get out so had a go today and sure enough it came out easy.
Remove two big bolts at the bottom of the strut (used my 2 foot breaker bar to get the 19mm nuts off), disconnect tie rod, drop link and brake pipe securing clip, move the fuse box out of the way and remove 3 top mount nuts and Bobs your uncle, the hub tilted away from the car and the strut just fell out. I took the strut apart and couldn't find anything wrong with it so greased everything that looked like it moved , red rubber greased the rubber bits and bolted everything back together. I even regreased the ARB bush but the rattly/screeching noise is still there. I can't be bothered chasing it any more but it isn't that bad really. The car is 14 years old and there are plenty of other squeaks and rattles so any buyer might not even notice it.
So now Gerty has served her purpose and has to go. I bought her as a cheap fixer upper so that I had a spare car available while I replaced the clutch in the other car. I had lots of fun doing the work but suspect I'll be lucky to see £1 per hour when I sell her.
Ah well, like I said it was fun doing the work so if I make any profit at all I'll be happy.
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The strut can knock, it it's the factory Delphi strut. This was a problem on some MGR Delphi struts too.
Also the top mount can knock in its bearings.
Took Gerty out to confirm no issues with the VCU and the rattle coming from the front left was worse than ever. Pretty sure it isn't anything loose in the brake calipers as I tried driving with my left foot lightly on the brake and it still rattled. I think Nodge must be right about the strut. It seemed fine when I had the spring off but it ain't really possible to test properly. Top mount was well smeared in grease and was turning freely so don't think it is that.
Like I said before it is worst when the wheel drops into a pot hole.
At least there were no issues with the VCU.
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Took Gerty out to confirm no issues with the VCU and the rattle coming from the front left was worse than ever. Pretty sure it isn't anything loose in the brake calipers as I tried driving with my left foot lightly on the brake and it still rattled. I think Nodge must be right about the strut. It seemed fine when I had the spring off but it ain't really possible to test properly. Top mount was well smeared in grease and was turning freely so don't think it is that.
Like I said before it is worst when the wheel drops into a pot hole.
At least there were no issues with the VCU.

Have you tried checking for play when the car is on the ground? or jacked up? as when you jack it up either one side or both are under tension making it very hard to determine if there is any play in anything.

Might pay if you know a friendly garage to ask for some 4 poster ramp time, get it up in air and grab hold of everything you can to see if there is play with the wheels on the ramp, got to be something moving ta make the noise.
No friendly garage that I know of hereabouts :(.
Yesterday I had the bonnet open and was jumping up and down on the front of her to try to replicate the issue with no joy. I've also tried several times to find it with the front on axle stands. I'm going to look for a complete strut with spring etc. from a scrappers so that at least I have a spare here. Parts from scrappers come with warranty so it should be fine. I'd rather get a used one with all the bits included than buying each part new. That way I'll know straight away if I've sorted it.
No friendly garage that I know of hereabouts :(.
Yesterday I had the bonnet open and was jumping up and down on the front of her to try to replicate the issue with no joy. I've also tried several times to find it with the front on axle stands. I'm going to look for a complete strut with spring etc. from a scrappers so that at least I have a spare here. Parts from scrappers come with warranty so it should be fine. I'd rather get a used one with all the bits included than buying each part new. That way I'll know straight away if I've sorted it.

That's fair enough It can be frustrating trying to chase noises

Random one... have a look at your bonnet hinges and adjustment blocks for any rubbing/wear marks or play n the bonnet allowing it to bounce around,
when i was at ford we completley stripped a mondeo interior and we were driving up and down the street sat on a stool trying to chase down a noise that ended up being the bonnet hinges rubbing together as it drove along.

Quick dab of grease and problem sorted, so similar issues could be occurring with your freebie
That's fair enough It can be frustrating trying to chase noises

Random one... have a look at your bonnet hinges and adjustment blocks for any rubbing/wear marks or play n the bonnet allowing it to bounce around,
when i was at ford we completley stripped a mondeo interior and we were driving up and down the street sat on a stool trying to chase down a noise that ended up being the bonnet hinges rubbing together as it drove along.

Quick dab of grease and problem sorted, so similar issues could be occurring with your freebie
DON'T YOU DARE, I just bought a replacement strut after replacing half the bl@@dy car and NOW you tell me!!!!!

LOL, I'll try the strut first and see what happens. :p
DON'T YOU DARE, I just bought a replacement strut after replacing half the bl@@dy car and NOW you tell me!!!!!

LOL, I'll try the strut first and see what happens. :p

Apologies memory isn't what it used to be!

Grease is cheaper!
On a more sensible note, last night I tested the VCU after refitting last week and was surprised at how tight it was. As I said earlier I had to reweld it but I had to empty some fluid because it was interfering with the welding. I then refilled it but must have overfilled because it was way too tight. Last night I took the bung bolt out to let some fluid out and afterwards it was fine.
Goes to show the air gap is important after all, I suppose the fluid must expand when it tightens so needs a little air to compress.
It was the strut after all. Stuck in the replacement one I bought this morning and noise is gone. :)
Bitter sweet moment though as she is now ready for sale. :(
Gerty is gone. :( I made a bit of profit on her so my hours in the garage weren't completely unrewarded but I wouldn't like to count the hourly rate, I doubt it would be above the legal minimum wage.
So now I just need to get rid of my daughters Fiesta and the hunt will be on to replace her. Next time I want a diseasil preferably post 2001 with leather seats and all the toys. I fancy an L series to play with I don't like the seats as much, or the brakes or the rust underneath.

I still have the 04 K series so haven't left the fold completely. o_O
good work. im new to LZ and its taken me a month to get this far in threads, its the best one yet. i was ready to go out for a few pints tonight when i started reading this and got hooked, thanks alibro youve saved me £25 . its too late to start reading
hope its as good and ends well
I'm glad you enjoyed the read. I have to say I really enjoyed this one but I'm not proud that it kept you from your pints. :eek:
You really should get out more.:p

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