why would you want to steal someones motor ? confused, pleas explain

Why not? Half the idiots on here that slobber on about feck all would not recognise their own half inched truck and the other half drive a pinched one themselves so also do not care.
Why not? Half the idiots on here that slobber on about feck all would not recognise their own half inched truck and the other half drive a pinched one themselves so also do not care.

Excuse me, I'm not too sure how to say this in a polite sounding way but your idiotic comments make you sound something of a ****! :mad::mad:
Back to the topic at hand, best thing to do is get your details out to a few nearby dealers, I know a few around you strangely, if you do wish to chat about it properly then after the exams eh, and yes get one with a good chassis or prepare to factor that into the costs, tools and consumables and little parts all add up so take it slowly an do a little at a time.
Its the thick pricks that change a good helpful thread into mindless dribble like that.:mooning:If you dont like the site why dont you F*** off
Like has been said, I would go for a series, for what you want to spend. Ignore the cockman, most people will be more than willing to give advice throughout your rebuild on here. Best of luck with it.
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Why not? Half the idiots on here that slobber on about feck all would not recognise their own half inched truck and the other half drive a pinched one themselves so also do not care.

Funny that because I can tell you the size and location of every plate on my chassis. I can tell you where I've stamped my number into it. I can tell you exactly how the immobiliser and alarm is wired up. I can tell my gearbox and engine from anyone else's. My glass has my reg on it. Do I need to go on.

Oh and if I caught you or anyone else trying to steal it, I would be straight on the phone and have 5 defenders turn up before you could blink. It's useful having the right contacts ;)
Funny that because I can tell you the size and location of every plate on my chassis. I can tell you where I've stamped my number into it. I can tell you exactly how the immobiliser and alarm is wired up. I can tell my gearbox and engine from anyone else's. My glass has my reg on it. Do I need to go on.

Oh and if I caught you or anyone else trying to steal it, I would be straight on the phone and have 5 defenders turn up before you could blink. It's useful having the right contacts ;)

Nice one Khaos ... too many prized Landys being stolen without some arsehole like him treating it as some sort of joke!
Nice one Khaos ... too many prized Landys being stolen without some arsehole like him treating it as some sort of joke!

second that.........Try stealing one in my drive and your face will be smashed into next week.

you better hope the cops get there before I do........they will be your only protection from me:mad::mad:
if you cant afford 2 grand to buy a defender how you going to afford to rebuilt it ive done 5 grand doing my baby up and still only half way though it been fun though
Nice one Khaos ... too many prized Landys being stolen without some arsehole like him treating it as some sort of joke!

Yep and we have to stick together with people we can trust. For example there are about 5 of us within yards of each other. A couple of nights ago a couple of us got stuck in the middle of the night off road. I mean stuck up to the doors in swamp. Within 5 minutes one of the others who was in bed turned up with his Warn winch (monster winch, best ever) and got us out.
That Kahos - and being permanetly covered in grease (although I've exchanged grease for KBS Rustseal today) is what it's all about.

Oh, and on the subject of KBS Rustseal - they're right you know, it doesn't come off the skin!

Hoping the splashes on my face might fade soon:D
That Kahos - and being permanetly covered in grease (although I've exchanged grease for KBS Rustseal today) is what it's all about.

Oh, and on the subject of KBS Rustseal - they're right you know, it doesn't come off the skin!

Hoping the splashes on my face might fade soon:D

Are you going to bath in Waxoyl tonight SH just to ensure you have a few years rust free :D Oh and don't forget to do down below or you'll have a rusty and cross member! :p:p
Yep and we have to stick together with people we can trust. For example there are about 5 of us within yards of each other. A couple of nights ago a couple of us got stuck in the middle of the night off road. I mean stuck up to the doors in swamp. Within 5 minutes one of the others who was in bed turned up with his Warn winch (monster winch, best ever) and got us out.

You really should stop dogging in such swampy places!!!!

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