Has been modified by MOD, so it is not ok. They have to be just like it was coming off the assembly line from day 1.

Dont know how you work that out , as they were supplied like that to the MOD , they would have the spec engine , and would have all paperwork to tally with the id numbers.
Dont know how you work that out , as they were supplied like that to the MOD , they would have the spec engine , and would have all paperwork to tally with the id numbers.

If that was a spec's like that under a military contract, then It is a military vehicle and a whole lot of different rules to play by. Tougher to import
Dont know how you work that out , as they were supplied like that to the MOD , they would have the spec engine , and would have all paperwork to tally with the id numbers.

they were rebuilt ........ not factory speced new.

The MOD called the life extension project for in service land rovers, PROJECT TITHONUS and the idea was to extend the service life from 20 to 30 years. They did this by selecting the very best 110s available (no 90 models were considered for the project) and basically rebuilding them from the chassis up! at an average cost of £9000 (Some were rumoured to have cost £12000)
bump this up...still looking for a reputable source overseas that can has or can help me with the purchase of a D110. Bringing it to the US so has to have manufacture date of '89 (to be safe) or older. No mods. Thanks!
bump this up...still looking for a reputable source overseas that can has or can help me with the purchase of a D110. Bringing it to the US so has to have manufacture date of '89 (to be safe) or older. No mods. Thanks!

Another suggestion , you might well be better off looking in Australia , as from experience they will be more likely to have a good original chassis , they were also sold over there with a izuzu diesel engine (4ltr) or V8 petrol .
Thor1950, are you certain about the MOD vehicles? The company authorized to sell them say they export them all the time. There was another poster who took theirs back. Just curious because I'm about to purchase one and of course don't want to get screwed. From what I'm told as long as the vehicle is 25 years or older and the engine is correct its OK.
Thor1950, are you certain about the MOD vehicles? The company authorized to sell them say they export them all the time. There was another poster who took theirs back. Just curious because I'm about to purchase one and of course don't want to get screwed. From what I'm told as long as the vehicle is 25 years or older and the engine is correct its OK.

Thor is always certain and often wrong :D

That said he could be right and it is worth looking into very carefully because if you get it wrong you might end up with a very expensive nothing.
:). That's what I'm trying to avoid. The company is Witham and I've been told by other exporters that they're are legit. I will have to get with the company they export with to pick their brain.
Thor1950, are you certain about the MOD vehicles? The company authorized to sell them say they export them all the time. There was another poster who took theirs back. Just curious because I'm about to purchase one and of course don't want to get screwed. From what I'm told as long as the vehicle is 25 years or older and the engine is correct its OK.

they say they export around the world. Then you better call and ask them. I am sure they can get it to the US. But will it get through customs? Those are the 2 questions you need to ask. And by asking them both will give you a straight answer and the correct 1. Good luck

here http://www.bordercenter.org/chem/vehicles.htm.. Now use your computer and do a extensive search and you will find your answer, and if you are still confused there will be phone numbers to call also
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Yeah I had thought I was good to go triple checking the requirements until you threw the wrench in the gears,lol. :(. I talked to them at length when looking at the vehicles and pressed them about importing and they said its no problem as long the 25 year applies. No mention about modifications though paperwork I received from the U.S. military base here in the UK just says 'original configuration'. Question is was this original from the factory or did the Army modify it and if so what modifications. The only thing I can see would be the roll cage and maybe the roof as it's not the typical 110 roof, it's one complete piece. Everything else looks, to me, normal.
Yeah I had thought I was good to go triple checking the requirements until you threw the wrench in the gears,lol. :(. I talked to them at length when looking at the vehicles and pressed them about importing and they said its no problem as long the 25 year applies. No mention about modifications though paperwork I received from the U.S. military base here in the UK just says 'original configuration'. Question is was this original from the factory or did the Army modify it and if so what modifications. The only thing I can see would be the roll cage and maybe the roof as it's not the typical 110 roof, it's one complete piece. Everything else looks, to me, normal.

The VIN number on chassis needs to match everything on the vehicle, engine, transmission etc. Not trying to discourage you at all. BUT there were about 80 last year that were seized by customs, some were returned most were not. Biggest issue was engine, and transmission not same as what VIN indicated. Just hate to see someone lose a wad of cash of a mistake. Just make sure all your I's are dotted and the T;s are crossed
No worries. If I hadn't seen this thread I would have dropped the cash down right away so appreciate your input. I still have a week to decide and can now dig a bit deeper and see if it's importable. I've reached out to other forums and a few shippers to find out, even the Heritage center that confirmed the age of the chassis number and the correct engine/transmission. Question now is the mods. One would think if everything matches it wouldn't matter especially if it could have come from the factory that way. It didn't by the way, found a link to what mods were done. So down the rabbit hole I go!
PA Blanchards are worth a look there facebook page is endlessly updated with photos of vehicle being restored for export to Canada and the US

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