It does look good. Getting new calipers on my defender so I am inspired to do them. What paint is used? I imagine calipers get hot.
They don't really. It's the disc that gets hot mainly. I used just some anti rust stuff i got locally, it's basically just yellow anti-rust with lacquer in it. Works well!
Even your calipers will get very hot when you're using the brakes hard.

Your engine turns 30% of your fuel into Kinetic energy, and the rest into heat via the exhaust, radiator and out of the engine itself.

That Kinetic energy gets turned into drag (which makes heat) and when you put the brakes on, they turn the remainder into heat.

Here's a Lamborghini turning fuel into heat.


You shouldn't be braking that hard, but don't touch a disc after you've just slowed from 30mph, or you'll be sorry. Even bicycle brakes get hot enough to hurt, and that energy came from your breakfast or lunch.
Not a fan of the colour. Reminds me too much of that yellow landy they found on wheeler dealers. But your stamping your mark on it and that's cool.
You can barely see painted calipers through though those alloys.
Good thing you chose a bright colour!


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