
Hi all am a week into my discovery ownership and have done all the filters, new radiator, replaced the placky bleed screws for brass and now up and running.
I have noticed that all seems a little slack and ask for advice on what to replace bearings, bushes etc ( done 240k;) but with a new engine) just to tighten the drive up a tad also there seems to be a slight "backlash ?" on drive take up (2.5 manual)
Cheers in advance phil
Replace all the suspension bushes with standard rubber bushes and check/change shock absorbers as nessacary.

Checking all track rod ends is also a good idea; as well as the ball joint on the steering arm on the bottom of the PAS box.

Backlash in the drive train is not unusual. There is potention for spline wear on the shaft from main gearbox to transfer box but check the simple things first.......UJ wear and prop spline wear as well as diff backlash.

Then take it from there.
check the rear A frame ball joint and rear trailing bushes both simple jobs but the A frame takes a lot of time:)

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