
ref RAVE manuals have tried all ways to locate the site but just keeps coming up with a blank page or not available for some of the quoted web addresses. Need current web site address if anyone has it please
Have tried this site Rick's Cars - only to find that the download is not available or the manual is corrupted. any other suggestions?

Don't know then, i looked for green oval the other day and nothing came up it's a bit strange. Have you tried 'Land rover workshop manuals' search or does that not come up with anything either. Plenty of pay sites but the free ones seem to have gone.
Thanks Datatec.. I may yet need your help. However, I have downloaded version from the website suggested by Pod51 but have run into problems with the material I got from the site. I used winzip to unzip the folder but then ran into a brick wall as I can't open the bewildering number of files that come with the download. Where do I go from here? Am I doing something wrong what is the procedure to get the pdf files to open?
Thanks Datatec.. I may yet need your help. However, I have downloaded version from the website suggested by Pod51 but have run into problems with the material I got from the site. I used winzip to unzip the folder but then ran into a brick wall as I can't open the bewildering number of files that come with the download. Where do I go from here? Am I doing something wrong what is the procedure to get the pdf files to open?

The download I used did not require any unzip that I recall. It came with it's own version of Adobe which has to be used and it was just a matter of clicking on the RAVE icon and off it went:D
The RAVE icon looks like the land rover badge but says RAVE (file type application). When you open this adobe acrobat reader will open with a pdf with a picture of the beach during sunset with the text "RAVE the after sales viewing enviroment for the service technician". This is where i got lost as it says page 1 of 1, it took me a further 24 hours to relise that if you click on the pdf (on the beach) it takes you onto another page where you select what you want to look at. This is of course using the link i suggested so i dont know if this is what you need to know.
Thanks for the replies site was used to download the RAVE manuals I was looking for. It took a number of attempts before I was successful. The file get getting corrupted as it takes so long to download due to the speed of my computer. Well worth the effort though, its a mine of information.

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