
New Member
We have owned Land Rovers (and other classics) for a few years, off and on. But there are a couple of special ones we regret selling and would love to find again - even just to know what happened to them. I believe they are all still in the United Kingdom.

A 1982 Series 3, CCM 955X which we bought to use as our Wedding Car in 2002, and sold in 2004 whilst we were living in Oxfordshire, after fitting a new 2.25 petrol engine. We think it went to the Isle of Skye, and has been SORNed for the last few years. We would love to find it again.

E497HRF was a 2.5 N/A diesel in dark green, which we converted to a soft-top (black hood) which we sold about 4 years ago to someone in Norfolk.

We'd also love to know what happened to our Land Rover Discovery - KE54 TUP.

If you can help, let us know. We would really like know what happened to these vehicles.
I can't help you but I hope you find some information on these trucks. There are few cars you'd want to track down after selling. Good luck :)

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