stuart williams

New Member
I Wondering and hoping whether anybody maybe able to help?

My father and I are looking for two of my late brothers Land Rovers

Land Rover defender 90, C316 DKN

Was blue, petrol

Judging by the dvla website it's still on the road and now green with a diesel in it.

Sold it from his home address in Eastbourne East Sussex around 2008-9

Second Land Rover is a

Series 2 WAA 365H

Blue and white

Nothing on the dvla I can find

Sold to someone from his home address in Eastbourne. Date wise we think in the mid 2000's

My brother passed away from Leukaemia aged 35 in 2011.

He was a massive landy nut and it would mean a lot to my father and I and a close friend of my brothers, to maybe find and get in contact with the current owners

Your help with any information would be greatly received
Many thanks
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