
Active Member
I live in a small village a few miles outside Matlock. Last night we had two towrags looking at landrovers in the village but one guy frightened them off - ?perhaps. Not defenders these but lightweight and series 2 & 3.
Just be extra careful. Two men in a van also called on a friends farm a fortnight ago and said they were lost. They left quickly when threatened with dog and unspecified nasties and their van number was given to the Derbyshire Constabulary within minutes. Police said the number plate belonged to a Vectra but they couldn't come as they didn't have anyone available :mad::mad:. In my experience this is quite a normal response. There is no one available - all the coppers I know have retired with bad backs, stress or other such undiagnosable ailments so that they can retire through ill health, then spend their time riding motorcycles to holiday homes in Portugal, Spain etc.
FFS give it up. Name one such retired cop. Its the Governments fault for given them too many targets to report and lack of funding. Its not the police that are going out stealing the Landies.
FFS give it up. Name one such retired cop. Its the Governments fault for given them too many targets to report and lack of funding. Its not the police that are going out stealing the Landies.

I second that, the police cant be blamed. Make me laugh when chavs (Im not putting you in the category by the way pike) go around saying **** the police and stuff like that. Who do they go to when the local pedo is about... the milk man :doh:
Who do they go to when the local pedo is about... the milk man :doh:

Where I come jugful of flammable liquid and a match for the PEADO'S. it don't cure em but they're so fooking scarred and ugly afterwards. that the kids run a mile when they see em..
I live in a small village a few miles outside Matlock. Last night we had two towrags looking at landrovers in the village but one guy frightened them off - ?perhaps. Not defenders these but lightweight and series 2 & 3.
Just be extra careful. Two men in a van also called on a friends farm a fortnight ago and said they were lost. They left quickly when threatened with dog and unspecified nasties and their van number was given to the Derbyshire Constabulary within minutes. Police said the number plate belonged to a Vectra but they couldn't come as they didn't have anyone available :mad::mad:. In my experience this is quite a normal response. There is no one available - all the coppers I know have retired with bad backs, stress or other such undiagnosable ailments so that they can retire through ill health, then spend their time riding motorcycles to holiday homes in Portugal, Spain etc.
I do, however, agree that the police response was less than acceptable. Just not into police bashing, although it is in fashion.:)
FFS give it up. Name one such retired cop. Its the Governments fault for given them too many targets to report and lack of funding. Its not the police that are going out stealing the Landies.

Don't disagree with you crashbox about targets etc. politics has a lot to answer for.
I only speak as I find. My next door neighbour just got retired on health grounds - stress, bad back and migraines - but could still go on a sailing holiday round the Mediteranean :eek: - probably went to Lourdes first though:D:D
Its good to see that round us anyway people are protecting their landys - more security posts, wheel locks etc.
I live in a small village a few miles outside Matlock. Last night we had two towrags looking at landrovers in the village but one guy frightened them off - ?perhaps. Not defenders these but lightweight and series 2 & 3.
Just be extra careful. Two men in a van also called on a friends farm a fortnight ago and said they were lost. They left quickly when threatened with dog and unspecified nasties and their van number was given to the Derbyshire Constabulary within minutes. Police said the number plate belonged to a Vectra but they couldn't come as they didn't have anyone available :mad::mad:. In my experience this is quite a normal response. There is no one available - all the coppers I know have retired with bad backs, stress or other such undiagnosable ailments so that they can retire through ill health, then spend their time riding motorcycles to holiday homes in Portugal, Spain etc.

of course they have'nt have anyone available ! they're all far to busy giving honest law abiding peeps **** for a faulty brake light etc :mad:
of course they have'nt have anyone available ! they're all far to busy giving honest law abiding peeps **** for a faulty brake light etc :mad:

Sadly this all too true. A faulty brake light goes down as a crime committed, a crime solved and a conviction successfully prosecuted. Lots of boxes ticked for the statistics, little time or resources used. Its a lot more troublesome chasing stolen Landy's around the local traveller camp. Just as sad is most coppers would agree and don't like it anymore than we do.
Sadly this all too true. A faulty brake light goes down as a crime committed, a crime solved and a conviction successfully prosecuted. Lots of boxes ticked for the statistics, little time or resources used. Its a lot more troublesome chasing stolen Landy's around the local traveller camp. Just as sad is most coppers would agree and don't like it anymore than we do.

Kindly take this comment and shove it up your arse sideways :mad:
Kindly take this comment and shove it up your arse sideways :mad:
It wont fit:mad: I know your background Blue beasty and my comment was not aimed at you personally. My comment was merely a reflection on the perceived problem with a certain section of society that does not traditionally live in bricks and mortar.
If others wish to translate this into stronger terms thats up to them.
It wont fit:mad: I know your background Blue beasty and my comment was not aimed at you personally. My comment was merely a reflection on the perceived problem with a certain section of society that does not traditionally live in bricks and mortar.
If others wish to translate this into stronger terms thats up to them.

I see....no problem then, you mean Pikeys rather than Chavs, drug users, small-time crooks or any other low life scum that you pass in the street every day without even giving them a 2nd glance that might want to steal a Landy
Trust me, if they had anyone to send, then they would send them.

Lets just say on some occasions if you knew the truth about staffing levels you would be horrified! It isn't going to get any better either! :frusty:
I see....no problem then, you mean Pikeys rather than Chavs, drug users, small-time crooks or any other low life scum that you pass in the street every day without even giving them a 2nd glance that might want to steal a Landy

Believe me, having had 2 Landy's nicked in the past I look at everyone with extreme suspicion, the urge to run amok with a spade is just a little stronger when its a couple of Romany types in a Transit with iffy number plates than if its the incumbent at St Mary's eying up my 90.
of course they have'nt have anyone available ! they're all far to busy giving honest law abiding peeps **** for a faulty brake light etc :mad:

Could be argued that if they didn't have to deal with someone with a faulty brakelight, they might be able to respond to other crimes............

My mates an ex traffic cop, and when he got the line'
"you should be out catching real criminals"
His reply;
"if you can tell me where theres a real crime going on, i'll tear up this ticket and go and deal with it"

If the police were not dealing with brakelights/driving and useing phone/speeding/no seatbelt etc etc, maybe they would have more time for other stuff.

I'm sure we have all seen traffic cops/road wars etc etc, a simple traffic stop can lead to so much more.
My mate stopped a guy once for no seatbelt, there was something not quite right about the guy, my mate searched the car and found pictures of kiddy porn and then searched his house, turns out he was a proper nonce and had loads of kiddy porn at home. All from a simple traffic stop.
Trust me, if they had anyone to send, then they would send them.

Lets just say on some occasions if you knew the truth about staffing levels you would be horrified! It isn't going to get any better either! :frusty:

How truthful is the wasting police time book by pc David Copperfield? Was a good book.
What's the feeling about the guy in the police?
How truthful is the wasting police time book by pc David Copperfield? Was a good book.
What's the feeling about the guy in the police?

It was only funny because it was on the money. You couldn't make it up! The telling part for me was that the Police Minister at the time stated when the book was debated in parliament that there was no way the author was in the police because none of that would go on!

I don't have any bad feelings towards him as its quite a candid book. Think I'm the only one in our dept who has read it.

He has left the police now....I expect that others might only feel jealously towards him! :D

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