Still jobs back at longbridge a surprise-thought bl/rover/mg etc etc dead and gone
Loads of Rover 75s driving around China, but not badged as Rovers. Amazingly, no sign of MGFs.. I'm sure if they put a decent engine in they'd sell. Somehow- god knows how- they sold very well compared to the far superior MX5 even with the usual K series troubles. The MG badge means a lot.

That looks absolutely dreadful. If that's their idea of a 'comeback', they've got another thing coming. I can't understand how they can start off with a blank canvas and come up with that! Wheels are too small, bodywork is too bland, and have you seen the rear wiper? Interior looks well put together but has absolutely no flair, way too generic looking. Nothing about that thing says MG to me.

UK jobs are a good thing, but they're no good if they only last 6 months before the company goes back into liquidation. :rolleyes:
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Is that Gary Glitter driving it?

Come on, Chinese car design can do better than that!! Oh, it was designed in Brumm.. Oh dear..
Just noticed on their website they've got the MG TF now;

MG MOTOR - Models - MG TF

Does that or does that not look exactly the same as the last MG TF that was stopped in about 2005? And check out that interior! Welcome to the nineties! :eek::doh:
oh dear, its got a heavily reworked version of the k series, as the song goes, "there may be trouble ahead".

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