
Hi guys, never really got around to introducing myself, but been lurching for a couple of years.

I live out Cambridge was and have a couple of landies from my daily drive 110TD5 with chip, Hannibal roof rack and roof tent through to my restored 1972 series 3 88in full tilt

The 110 gets the most use for obvious reasons and I need to get the 88 back on the road after the clutch hydraulics pipe failed causing a fire in the engine bay.

I'm a member do northants 4x4 and spend the occasional weekend doing punch challenges with the family and club.
Silly question guys, is there a limit on who can post in the For Sale section BTW?? I have just tried and I keep being bounced?? I read the rules but can't seem to see any reason for it??
Ohh Wow Right OK!! And by useful, is there a predefined acceptance criteria?? Seems a bit of a shame really as I have lots of bits that would benefit the community rather than people pay eblag prices but I am not much of a forum poster? I have been on here for 3 years and still only have 30 posts!!
Just quoting 'useful' , it's to stop people just coming on and selling stuff and going without contributing to the forum
Dizzy, Thank you! I best get my Hoop in gear and get posting then.

Are there any forum outings that get arranged??

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