
New Member
Hi, I am appealing on behalf of my old 1964 Series SWB. Where are all the other series motors? I can drive around Kent for ages and never see one! Poor old girl feels totally left out at club meets, surrounded by tricked up 90's! Holds it's own off-road though, much to the surprise and annoyance of fellow club members dertermined to bankrupt themselves on thier 90's.

I want to keep my series more or less standard, I dragged it out of a farmers field after it had stood for two years with a big motorbike shaped dent in the side of it.

A used carb later, and the old girl started instantly!

This is my second Series - my first being a 1967 model, then a forray into 110, Isuzu, another Isuzu, and back to Series. Nothing like them!

Anyway, let's look around and speak to you all soon!

PS Points for knowing the 'Gaspode' reference.
hi paul,i live in brighton(not too far from kent) have recently purchased a series3 ex mod 109 once i iron out a few minor niggles maybe meet up for a jaunt,cheers paul
Sounds good to me! What sort of niggles? I am in the process of getting mine usable for as little money as possible. I have just (tonight that is) converted my dynamo to alternator (90w Granada one for £20 from scrappy) and moved the position up high to in front of the carb - stops it getting too wet! Other projects are electric fan (scrappy again) new rear springs, nicer seats (scrappy again!) and a CB. Plus a snorkel (black drainpipe with a proper swirl top looks very good). Did all this on my last 1967 series and they worked well.

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