
Well-Known Member
I appreciate that the ads are essential to keep the site going. I just wonder is there's a way to avoid the latest pictures supporting the "older ladies want you" ads. These have turned the forum into something that I have to avoid looking at in work.
Can we get them dressed in nice LZ overalls? - it will probably make them more attractive to our members anyway. :)
Lol the ads are based on your browsing history, is there something you want get off your chest.:rofl:
Lol the ads are based on your browsing history, is there something you want get off your chest.:rofl:

I don't believe you :p

Never in my life have I been sad enough to search the internet for Dyson vacuum cleaners :cool:

Or personalised number plates
I don't believe you :p

Never in my life have I been sad enough to search the internet for Dyson vacuum cleaners :cool:

Or personalised number plates

services and sucking?

i personally wouldnt know as i use adblock and it takes all the nasty ads away for me :D
I can't use an adblocker - it's a locked down PC in a local gov office.
And for the same reason I dont want the lonely ladies ads, I definitely haven't been looking myself!
They don't bother me personally, but it's an open office, and some of the pictures are a bit suggestive and a passing cow-orker might take offence.
I've got wonga, poster 3xl and 3 showing on mine now, I'm off to look at the naughty lady fred in the secret bit to see if I can get some more interesting adverts... :bolt:
I can't use an adblocker - it's a locked down PC in a local gov office.
And for the same reason I dont want the lonely ladies ads, I definitely haven't been looking myself!
They don't bother me personally, but it's an open office, and some of the pictures are a bit suggestive and a passing cow-orker might take offence.

I used to get lots of singles ladies ads when I worked for an end of life Hospice. Perhaps the ads use IP and make a vague guess at what people at that location might be looking for?
I don't believe you :p

Never in my life have I been sad enough to search the internet for Dyson vacuum cleaners :cool:

Or personalised number plates

oh suew, you cant get a better suck than a dyson,
I almost love them, but dont use them..
mrs does the hoovering,
I do the emptying....
the more suck, the more you empty...lol

now, about your rego plates......:)
Why would a teenage boy have a rewarding **** over a bad advert featuring a haggard looking middle aged woman in ill fitting lingerie :confused:

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