yes, but if i bought a jap mobile to do such a trip- i would be looking for the nearest minefield to drive it into as thats the best place for them.
plus if it does go tits up, you are fooked! i would rather it broke a few times simply than having mr ECU going bang and trying to get stavros the goat herder to bodge it back into life with his trusty BFH.

Please, dont make any more great suggestions, you are ridding the world of useful oxygen.

yes, but if i bought a jap mobile to do such a trip- i would be looking for the nearest minefield to drive it into as thats the best place for them.
plus if it does go tits up, you are fooked! i would rather it broke a few times simply than having mr ECU going bang and trying to get stavros the goat herder to bodge it back into life with his trusty BFH.

Please, dont make any more great suggestions, you are ridding the world of useful oxygen.


I agree wiv every bit, except the likleyhood of finding a goat herder called Stavros!

Landy breaks, chances are you can find the part or bodge it. Tin can rice burner, nuvva tale entirely!
Landrovers (well at least the Series, Defenders and Disco's) are in almost every country in the world, but you guys knew that already . . .

so parts are readily available . . even if 'Stavros' hasn't got the bit you want, you get on your Sat phone (because if your sensible, you wil have one on a long trek) and get one shipped out . . easier said than done I suspect !!
God bless the sat phone when you are broken down in the middle of africa, just a quick question who are you going to call? home?rac? embassy?

er hello i am broken down in the desert send someone quick!!!

i only take the p1ss like this as when i worked for a overland company we always used to get asked if we had one and i said no because if we broke down we would have to fix it as there was no one who could come and get us in the middle of the desert :p :p :p :p
yeah but you know what i mean. any "japmobile" just gets on and does the job whereas any LR will breakdown but then thats the fun of it.

got to love the landrover challenge, anyhoo when you have fixed it in the middle of bumfook no were it gives you as story to tell others over a cold beer :D :D :D
Jon123 if your landrover is that unreliable it says to me that your maintenance and repair skills leave a lot to be desired:confused:

Landrover series vehicles by the nature of their simple design are extremely reliable if prepared properly, as you cant buy a new one anymore:rolleyes: JMHO
And back? West coast?

Could be interested, not this year, well maybe not this year.

When were you thinking?

Cheers, Mark
And back? West coast?

Could be interested, not this year, well maybe not this year.

When were you thinking?

Cheers, Mark

I would be interested in possibly next year, or 2010, that far ahead so I can save enough to take 6-8 weeks off work (unpaid) and not go bust at the same time . . . . :eek:

Either that or I gotta wait til me pension :( :(
Pension? With this Govenment? LOL! Spend it NOW!

One life...............................

But I am single, no house/loan/ball and chain. CARPE DIEM!
Why go to a continent that is run by a combination of savages and crooks, where corruption is a way of life, and where any wxxxx person is seen as a resource to be plundered?

Let them get on with it, and when they are fit to do so, they can join civilisation.
Why go to a continent that is run by a combination of savages and crooks, where corruption is a way of life, and where any wxxxx person is seen as a resource to be plundered?

Let them get on with it, and when they are fit to do so, they can join civilisation.

well said CharlesY....agree with ye 1000%
Agree 100% Charles!

But on that basis, wipes out at least 50% of the world.

"crooks, where corruption is a way of life" Makes you like feel like an MP! :)
Id be interested in doin a trip like this, not for a couple of years though. Anyone else?
I will be doing it early 2010.
I wanted to go the western route.

of the two distinct routes, Eastern or Western side, the Western has by far the better people, animals, and places to see.
It also avoids Egypt with the 800% carnet du passage requirements.

My plan is drive through Spain to Algeciras, and get the ferry to Ceuta, which is a Spanish dependancy on the Northern most tip of Africa.

from there,

Mali (Timbuktu)
Burkina Faso (Maybe)
South Africa

I will plan to take some where around 2 1/2 months to 3 months

I had looked at the East coast route, but Egypt, but the 800% carnet, then the emptyness of a
long southerly trip through Sudan, then the possible
(remember there is a very expensive ferry from Aswan in Egypt to Wadi Hafra in Sudan, only way of crossing from Egypt into Sudan)
conflict in Kenya,
meant passing through Uganda
to get to Tanzania,
Zimbabwe (serious fuel shortages plus others !)
Then into S.A.

All in all, I feel the West coast is for me.

Comments please
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what a crock of sh1te!!!

i have worked for a overland travel company for 7 years and never had any trouble in west africa. plus the company i used to for is still running trips doen both east and west africa!!!

Best you stay at home in your little lada bubble !!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Big ad,

Im'e glad you said it, ! ! !
Africa is a GREAT travellers paradise.
Persons are still very ignorant (in the nicest possible way) and really should do more reading up on Africa travel, and understand how friendly 99.999 of the people there really are.
i would, just picked up my 110 and off to morocco for a "taster" two week trip near easter time to get the feel of africa ready for a longer trip in the future.
hey Busaboy,

Wait for me.! !

I am planning the very same 'taster' later on in the year, probably end of September.

Just a week in Morocco.

See some sand dunes, have a play and get some expierience.

my series 3 wont even make it to the shops without something falling off. do yourself a favour get a toyota that way you might make it. LRs are good if you like fixing things and any place where the AA can come and get you home, wouldnt dream of going to Africa in one.
Now, now, now,

Only I can say that !
in heading down October 4th for 4 weeks :D cant wait. undecided on wether to bother with western sahara or not.

I fancy the East coast route- the 800% carnet for egypt isnt much of a problem for my vehicle as it is only worth 2 grand-at most!!

I think the pros outweigh the cons for me at least- i want to avoid angola and some of the other west coast countries as i have friends that have lived there and even they say to avoid. As already stated, most of the people there are good as gold, and i would rather walk around any african country than take a stroll round most of London!

I also want to see Kilimanjaro, lake Victoria and the serengeti. Also planning to meet up with some friends in Tanzania and Rwanda.

If 2010 becomes a possibility- first one to point aghulas buys the beer!!!

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