
Active Member
bought a wing top scoop off of ebay for my 300tdi defender. thinking i had bought the correct one, just been outside to fit it, and discovered its for a 200tdi, i feel like a right blonde lol.
anyone selling a cheap scoop for a 300tdi :)
dunno, seemed a good idea at the time lol.
come to think of it, maybe its a sign from god, ill wack it on ebay and get me dosh back :)
They would be brilliant for wading. as soon as the water breaks the top of the bonnet it all gets sucked right through the intake :confused:

It'll come through the standard one, but then so do leaves and insects and more or less anything that falls on the grid which it won't through the scoop.

Of course, the scoop does look rubbish, which is a pretty good reason not to fit them :D
bought a wing top scoop off of ebay for my 300tdi defender. thinking i had bought the correct one, just been outside to fit it, and discovered its for a 200tdi, i feel like a right blonde lol.
anyone selling a cheap scoop for a 300tdi :)

Dont worry not all is lost. Sell it, you may even get back more than you paid. This will cheer you up. (I hope) God Bless. Johnny.

One day, while a blonde was out driving her car, she ran into a truck.

The truck’s driver made her pull over into a parking lot and get out of the car.

He took a piece of chalk and drew a circle on the pavement. He told her to stand in the middle and not leave the circle.

Furious, he went over to her car and slashed the tires.

The blonde started laughing.

This made the man angrier so he smashed her windshield.

This time the blonde laughed even harder.

Livid, the man broke all her windows and keyed her car.

The blonde is now laughing hysterically, so the truck driver asks her what’s so funny.

The blonde giggles and replies, "When you weren’t looking, I stepped out of the circle three times!"

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