
Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
Having just made a considerable investment in the new wheels and tyres I'm now wondering whether or not to invest in some locking wheel nuts to keep them safe?

Can't think there's much theft of steel wheels these days but you can never be too complacent!

Any ideas?

a drag on my existence!!

Can't tell ya now many sockets i've lost because i've had to smash them over locking wheel nuts that have had the key disappear!!!

And it will..
I promptly replace locking wheel nuts on any car I buy, hate the things.

Be easier to just take the whole disco than to remove and steal the wheels
Can't remember the last time I saw a car on blocks after its wheels had been nicked.
Like so many things these days, they just make you 'feel' more secure
Edit: don't forget an insurance company will generally replace with OEM if you ever had to make a claim. That goes for anything, not just wheels
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I despair at some people, how difficult is it to retain a LWN socket in one of the numerous storage facilities in a vehicle :confused:

Quite hard when you are under the vehicle spannering and your 4 year old son decides to 'help' you by poking nuts and washers into chassis holes and then afterwards find he's trundled off with the lock key for t he wheel nut!

After plentiful hammering, impacting etc we had to make one up as it refused to budge! Here it's is!


Worked well but I only use one on the spare wheel now! :)
nope - he's deserted me. Acturlee the doors are the easy bits.... its the rest of the motor that needs to be welded so the doors can be hung.

in fairness to him, I think we agreed that fixing his own disco and spending time with his bairn was slightly more important :)

I'm sorry, as soon as I typed it I thought 'hmm, is this below the belt'??

Good things come to those that wait! :) how much more is there to do on it now?
Get Std Disco ones and buy a spare adaptor key for it off the bay.

Job done.


If it is that easy then I won't bother, anyone who is going to the effort of stealing mini monster truck wheels and tyres are going to be tooled up, it's not like they would be stealing them for the steel wheels it would be for the tyres. :(

@Gottschalk bit busy trying to do the whole family thing and get mine back on the road, should have just spat a little patch on that wheel arch hole and waited until summer :oops:

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