Bought a key from ebay. ABC8 VW/Audi ... too big ... grrrr

Looks like a trip to the stealers unless anyone else has any suggestions?

Take em off with rounded nut removers or an undersized socket.
Weld a nut on and undo it buy yourself a new set they should not be done up tight Or grind a slot in it and make a tool it's not so hard if you put your mind to it they are only a deterrent .
I Will just add my two peneth, when you get them off throw them in the bin and just replace them with 4 normal wheel nuts, really not worth the bother as anyone who really wants them will have the kit to get them off in seconds, all the cars I have had have been pretty high end and I have took the lockers of all of them and never had any wheels stolen, mind you I dont live in Brixton for example. You will regret leaving them on when you have a puncture and cant undo them because they have stuck or been over tightened by an air gun and they round, just general advise avoid any lockers branded Mcgaurd or similar flower type pattern, I speak as a mechanic that has seen lots of issues with these.
At least it stops the opportunist thiefs
More of a deterrent than anything

Just don't loose your key and you will be fine
I Will just add my two peneth, when you get them off throw them in the bin and just replace them with 4 normal wheel nuts, really not worth the bother as anyone who really wants them will have the kit to get them off in seconds, all the cars I have had have been pretty high end and I have took the lockers of all of them and never had any wheels stolen, mind you I dont live in Brixton for example. You will regret leaving them on when you have a puncture and cant undo them because they have stuck or been over tightened by an air gun and they round, just general advise avoid any lockers branded Mcgaurd or similar flower type pattern, I speak as a mechanic that has seen lots of issues with these.
What he said!!!

Air chisel sorted my four little beauties out when I had a puncture. Replaced with standard nuts. Happy days.
someone suggested the tray under the boot floor. have you lifted the boot floor cover up and looked in there. there's a foam tray with indents for all the bits and bobs like the towing eye etc. my locking wheel nutkey lives in its own little hole in this tray.
I have located one. Looks like this is a BMW item not Landy. Fingers crossed. Then I can get new rims 20 stormers? And brake pads..
I have located one. Looks like this is a BMW item not Landy. Fingers crossed. Then I can get new rims 20 stormers? And brake pads..

About bloody time ! Lol

Yea go for the 20 inch stormers, I have them fitted to mine, looks the bollocks and the handling was improved vastly over the standard rims

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