
Active Member
Hi guys,

What's the 'best way' to break into a Defender 110 with the safari body? I've locked my keys inside. I'm told I can get a new key for 30 quid from a place 20 miles away, but if there's a simple way to get in that anyone knows about then that would certainly be preferable! And before anyone asks, the flaps at the front under the windscreen are closed and latched, unfortunately.:(
I think they are pretty easy to get into judging by the number that are nicked. Just ask one of the local scroats.
Wip out the rear quarter lights and undue rear door, easy to put back in with no damage.

I did examine that option, but the rubber seal that surounds that glass is a real bitch to get out. There's probably a clever technique to this (and replacing it later) that I am unaware of.
I think they are pretty easy to get into judging by the number that are nicked. Just ask one of the local scroats.

I'm also considering unbolting the door hinges. Even though the doors are locked, I would imagine I should be able to prize open the hinged edge enough to get a bit of hooked piano wire around the keyring and draw the key out.
But as it's simpler, I'll try your PM suggestion about the coathanger down the side window first....
Hi guys,

What's the 'best way' to break into a Defender 110 with the safari body? I've locked my keys inside. I'm told I can get a new key for 30 quid from a place 20 miles away, but if there's a simple way to get in that anyone knows about then that would certainly be preferable! And before anyone asks, the flaps at the front under the windscreen are closed and latched, unfortunately.:(

You have mail;)
I know its 'public knowledge' probably ..... but do we want all the easy ways into a Defender posted up here....???!!???? Ho hum...... A:confused:
I used to be able to open mine with a 5p piece. I can tell you this because I no longer own that motor. :)
Rear quarter light, 10 mins to put back in piece of ****, taking rear door hinges off? More likely to do damage to the door hinges and lock mech.
Even if you do smash the glass its only a couple of quid to replace, stop buggering about and push in the window lol.
I know its 'public knowledge' probably ..... but do we want all the easy ways into a Defender posted up here....???!!???? Ho hum...... A:confused:

That's why I've been getting PMs on the subject. I'm about to try out the front-running idea right now, actually...
Done it now. Easiest way is bit of hooked coathanger through the door rubber and pull up the knob inside. Loosening the door hinges gave some valuable extra wriggle room.

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