Is it a parking bollard or a security post?

If it is just one of the ones that are used largely to save a parking space then they aren't that secure. If it is gypsies stealing in your area then a lot of em will have hydrolic loppers that will make short work of a bollard.

One option if the post is hollow is to fill it with bits of re-bar and big beach pebbles. Grinders do not like big beach pebbles at all. Of course that makes the post heavy if you are pulling it up out of the ground, but man up!
I know a remove able bollard can be removed in minutes, but I think it is a visible deterrent and just another obstacle for the thieves to overcome, I wonder if I could put a tilt alarm inside the bollard??? I've always wanted a defender and now all I think is how I can keep hold of it!!!!
I have one in my drive and it makes me sleep easier :) my drive is very narrow, there's about 9 inches either side of my defender when i park up (good job im only small!) and having the parking post just adds that extra peace of mind... I got my friend to come by one evening and rattle it/ fiddle with the lock and the dog went mental so someone would have to be super quick and quiet to not disturb her :)
It is just ane extra peace of mind and I a highly visible deterrent, like you I have a four legged alarm and thief eater, a great big black great Dane!! Ha
I agree the more layers the better. Was just the original post read a bit like a one stop solution. I don't think I ever really switch off from looking out the window. I heard a sound like a gate rattling about 3 this morning. People with normal cars just roll over and go back to sleep. I was up out of torch in hand. Oh well.
A lockable bollard is the first visible obstacle even before they get to the car! I've had nice cars and it's never bothered me too much if they were still on the drive in the morning, but now it is paramount that it's there!
I'm currently getting my garage roof replaced and as soon as it's done we're having this huge steel roller shutter door installed to keep the wife's 90 safe. Even if they manage to get in to the 90 the sound of the roller shutter will wake everyone up. I'm fed up of sleepless nights worrying if her Landy will be stolen by some scrote!
If thieves want it they will have it, but a roller shutter can not be done quietly!!! And you can't see through it!!!
Down in the Devon & Cornwall area plod don't even bother to attend any break-ins to rural outbuildings so the scum know they can roam around steeling and never get caught our property has better security than the local prison but still sleep uneasy my 2a is in a workshop and in front of it is my trailer and other security gadgets the best one's are the home made ones because thanks to UTube you can look up how to get pass any device you can buy in the shops.
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A chap i used to know who lives on a farm keeps his Landy in a big shed with double doors in the end. After the gypsies invaded his farm on saturday morning while he was out shopping and the police told him there was nothing they could do for (i think) seven days he hung up the phone and engaged his brain...
The next call he made was to HM Customs and Exise. He informed them that several vehicles were parked on his land and they were using red diesel when they shouldn't be...
They arrived WITH police, dipped the tanks and removed about half of the two or three year old vans.
The following week his barn got broken into...
Landy wasn't taken but after that he parks his bulldozer right up against the doors. He told me that, "if they can move that drott, they're welcome to anything in the building!"
A chap i used to know who lives on a farm keeps his Landy in a big shed with double doors in the end. After the gypsies invaded his farm on saturday morning while he was out shopping and the police told him there was nothing they could do for (i think) seven days he hung up the phone and engaged his brain...
The next call he made was to HM Customs and Exise. He informed them that several vehicles were parked on his land and they were using red diesel when they shouldn't be...
They arrived WITH police, dipped the tanks and removed about half of the two or three year old vans.
The following week his barn got broken into...
Landy wasn't taken but after that he parks his bulldozer right up against the doors. He told me that, "if they can move that drott, they're welcome to anything in the building!"
It's a similar problem down in Devon/Cornwall the police are about as much use as a turd in a gun fight we were broken into just before xmas and the did nothing at all and the scum bags know this so they continue with the crime wave we have now installed security lights real cctv camera's just to sleep at night the police deserve everything they get because very few people have any respect for them just look at all the people out and about during the lock down.

Only designed to take short blanks but a bit of time and ingenuity....
I of course don't recommend modifying it any way!

OOOH i like that!
Although i'd like it to trigger a pre recorded message first, such as FREEZE MUTHAF***A followed by the bang about, two seconds later. Then a second one three seconds after that of NEXT TIME I'LL TAKE YA HEAD OFF and another bang!

I've just been looking at the price of blanks. It's much cheaper to use live cartridges! Sadly i no longer have a licence. Probably a good job too, because the temptation to angle it towards the invading scrote would be a little on the extreme side!
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