I did not report those Pictures ok. It looked water logged and with the movement of banning green laning and you can damn near be sure there are a bobble head or two on here looking for something to use against everyone. I am not having a go against you. As I do enjoy your threads and builds.

Everything you have said is probably true. But pictures are worth a thousand words, and carry more weight than most forms of communication.

Admin is the only ones who can remove stuff.

Well that's a fair argument, I wish others would front up and say what they think rather than just 'reporting' me! I respect you for saying what you think .. ;)

Admin aren't the only ones, I could edit my own posts and remove them, if I felt it was right to do so.

However ..

In the context of the lanes as I know them to be, I have no problem keeping them live. In the context of giving the bobbles ammo then you might be right, but as I said above, I've played it their way for years .. as far as I'm concerned they can do what they want, I enjoyed the day!
^^^ the man has a point

Bobblies would prefer no fun for everyone.

Can't compete with that.
the lane we are talking about has been in that condition for as long as ive known, it has never been better or worse in any season. one end of the lane is off a very busy main road between 2 towns the other is on the outskirts of a small hamlet, and is used constantly for fly tippingm it is quite possible the farmer has deliberatley dug a hole in the lane, which happens to be just beond the last field exit to stop the flytippers.
I am not in any way defending our actions for driving this or any other lane as to be frank ive nothing needing defence for. Lanes are not getting shut as a result of being driven they are getting shut because in the same way we pussy foot arround these bobblies we bend over and get shafted on closures.
I, as have most of us, invested a lot of time and money to persue my green laning hobby and am tired of backing down to pressure from other groups, i have always avoided sensitive areas and problem lanes, hell i even take days off mid week so as not have confrountational meetings with other uses, im always polite and always stop to let others pass, while ever ive got the right i will continue driving the lanes.
In the context of being open and upfront.

I read this fred the other day and did think the photos showed a bit of bad form.

However, we have lanes round here(not too many) that are perfectly sustainable with a hard wearing base etc that through neglect have grasses and foliage growing through. Mixed with rain and the water table this can cause the grass and soil to loosen and look trashed.

Would i have posted some of those pictures and the youtube links? No. Do i think at this current time it was a little inappropriate? yes. Just my take.

Why didn't i say anything when i first read the thread? Why do i not say anything on Rik's FB page?(not picking on Rik, but I'm not friends with many other LZers's)

The same reason i don't get involved too much in politics debates on ere, your beliefs are your beliefs. If i say i think your wrong and you don't agree what does that achieve? will it change anything? Quite simply there are regular forum greenlaners who know whats right and wrong and are not the uneducated that sometimes appear here. I won't tell them i think there wrong(maybe if its seen as blatant abuse) as they are armed with the same if not more knowledge than me.
Glad you had a good day out in your 4x4 and enjoyed yourself.
But it is getting a bit sad that you can not post your own photo's or vid's without someone saying you are doing wrong.
Thought that being a fan of the 4x4 you could enjoy the country side and have fun doing it? Get to places that others can not reach?
I myself enjoy going out with Paul and Top cat along with others and never once see them go out there way to destroy any part of the country side. Always drive with respect for others along with there self's.
I will be up for going out again once i do get another disco to replace the one i'm selling.
Glad you had a good day out in your 4x4 and enjoyed yourself.
But it is getting a bit sad that you can not post your own photo's or vid's without someone saying you are doing wrong.
Thought that being a fan of the 4x4 you could enjoy the country side and have fun doing it? Get to places that others can not reach?
I myself enjoy going out with Paul and Top cat along with others and never once see them go out there way to destroy any part of the country side. Always drive with respect for others along with there self's.
I will be up for going out again once i do get another disco to replace the one i'm selling.

Nobody has said that they couldn't be posted. Paul removed some pics at his own discretion, a decision I happen to agree with but that is only my opinion of which there are many.
Being a newcomer to 4x4s and laning, I'm not out to cause hassle for us all (vehicular users), but it does baffle me when some bobblies demand that certain lanes be TRO'd...WHEN PEOPLE CANNOT OR WOULD FIND IT VERY DIFFICULT TO NEGOTIATE SAID LANES ON FOOT! Not on about disabilities, just pointing out that some terrain is far easier to drive over than trying to walk it..
Being a newcomer to 4x4s and laning, I'm not out to cause hassle for us all (vehicular users), but it does baffle me when some bobblies demand that certain lanes be TRO'd...WHEN PEOPLE CANNOT OR WOULD FIND IT VERY DIFFICULT TO NEGOTIATE SAID LANES ON FOOT! Not on about disabilities, just pointing out that some terrain is far easier to drive over than trying to walk it..

true story
Wtf was wrong with the driving and the lanes. They are open to traffic so go and enjoy them. Nothing wrong as far as I can see.
I was not trying to make a fuss about anything just saying that it is not fair that we have to be careful about what pic's we put up. I like to go out doing lanes and it is nice to see different parts of the country side.
I nearly most of the time take my family out with me as they also like going out in the country side. Looking forward to going out again with anyone of here.

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