LOL, if we'd planned it ....

Tell you what, we'll work them into a 'proper' days route and sort a run out some time, maybe enough for a weekend with a campsite .. (hotel for D&S maybe) but we'll see.

All we really did was try local lanes out we knew about but hadn't done for ages, and tried a few possibles further afield, which worked out well enough .. :)
LOL, if we'd planned it ....

Tell you what, we'll work them into a 'proper' days route and sort a run out some time, maybe enough for a weekend with a campsite .. (hotel for D&S maybe) but we'll see.

All we really did was try local lanes out we knew about but hadn't done for ages, and tried a few possibles further afield, which worked out well enough .. :)

Dont forget to give me a shout, although i havnt got me winch fitted yet so you`ll have to drag me out of some of them sloppy rutts! :tea:
I live in donny myself now mate dont own a landy at minute but
Soon be changing that though
Know loads of lanes round there i'm a notts hill billy!
I know how you feel Dave, They don’t phone they don’t text !!!! :mad:
Even got a Defender now, See you soon I hope.

They're biggest mistake was putting it on the forum for us to see lol
Can't wait to see the Deafender Steve. Gone is the comfort, heating, etc lol

going on lanes that are so wet and rutting them up. With the movement of wanting them shut down, not a good point of giving them photo evidence. Not got a problem with green lanes and having fun. But when they a rutted that deep, rather over the top IMO. sorry.

And I did not report your photo's
going on lanes that are so wet and rutting them up. With the movement of wanting them shut down, not a good point of giving them photo evidence. Not got a problem with green lanes and having fun. But when they a rutted that deep, rather over the top IMO. sorry.

err .. the ruts were made years ago by the local farmer and his tractor, the lane has never been, and probably never will be, repaired. It isn't walkable or rideable, motorbike or horse, because NO-ONE AT ALL uses it and as such the foliage covers most of it. The shrubbery at either side of the waterhole bit is hawthorn, the hole has been there, and has got no worse in that time, for about 8 years, other than changing direction round one particular hawthorn bush ..

And I did not report your photo's

What has been reported and where? Who could they be reported to? If they've been reported to anyone why hasn't someone said anything to me regarding context? Keyboard Warriors make me sick ...

This is not personal to you, Thor, but to anyone who wants to 'report' me to someone ..

So it's all about the pictures? What about my first sentence where I stated the first lane was too rutted and with fallen trees so we turned back? I've been out when we've chainsawed or chopped down trees before, so why turn back this time? Context and knowledge of where we are and what we're doing, without that context NO-ONE knows where we were or what the local conditions, political or physical, are like.

What about the other pics of 'nice' green lanes? That's how the others started out, but with more foliage.

Anyway, that's all rhetorical, I'm fed up cow-towing to the bobbles .. treading lightly has got us precisely nowhere. Some of my favourite lanes have been closed down recently, I've stayed away, complied with voluntary codes of conduct and respected temporary and experimental TRO's and what happened for all the pussy-footing? THEY STILL GOT SHUT WITH PERMANENT TRO's .. so sod 'em, if I want to drive a lane, I will.

Mastiles Lane, why was that shut? A few years ago now, along with a whole raft of others in North Yorks, Chapel gate and Roych in Derbyshire .. we've complied with all that's been asked, gone slowly, turned round and kept schtum and it's got us nowhere.

Times are changing ...

To those who do want to 'report' me, why not Man Up about it and say it directly to me? pm me and we can discuss it. I'm not on LZ too much lately so may have missed stuff.
err .. the ruts were made years ago by the local farmer and his tractor, the lane has never been, and probably never will be, repaired. It isn't walkable or rideable, motorbike or horse, because NO-ONE AT ALL uses it and as such the foliage covers most of it. The shrubbery at either side of the waterhole bit is hawthorn, the hole has been there, and has got no worse in that time, for about 8 years, other than changing direction round one particular hawthorn bush ..

What has been reported and where? Who could they be reported to? If they've been reported to anyone why hasn't someone said anything to me regarding context? Keyboard Warriors make me sick ...

This is not personal to you, Thor, but to anyone who wants to 'report' me to someone ..

So it's all about the pictures? What about my first sentence where I stated the first lane was too rutted and with fallen trees so we turned back? I've been out when we've chainsawed or chopped down trees before, so why turn back this time? Context and knowledge of where we are and what we're doing, without that context NO-ONE knows where we were or what the local conditions, political or physical, are like.

What about the other pics of 'nice' green lanes? That's how the others started out, but with more foliage.

Anyway, that's all rhetorical, I'm fed up cow-towing to the bobbles .. treading lightly has got us precisely nowhere. Some of my favourite lanes have been closed down recently, I've stayed away, complied with voluntary codes of conduct and respected temporary and experimental TRO's and what happened for all the pussy-footing? THEY STILL GOT SHUT WITH PERMANENT TRO's .. so sod 'em, if I want to drive a lane, I will.

Mastiles Lane, why was that shut? A few years ago now, along with a whole raft of others in North Yorks, Chapel gate and Roych in Derbyshire .. we've complied with all that's been asked, gone slowly, turned round and kept schtum and it's got us nowhere.

Times are changing ...

To those who do want to 'report' me, why not Man Up about it and say it directly to me? pm me and we can discuss it. I'm not on LZ too much lately so may have missed stuff.

I did not report those Pictures ok. It looked water logged and with the movement of banning green laning and you can damn near be sure there are a bobble head or two on here looking for something to use against everyone. I am not having a go against you. As I do enjoy your threads and builds.

Everything you have said is probably true. But pictures are worth a thousand words, and carry more weight than most forms of communication.

Admin is the only ones who can remove stuff.

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