Paul D

Old, nackered 'n broke, but the Landy is fine . :)
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Forgot I'd arranged with tc to have a day out laning, no set plan made, no route, so when I remembered and called him, we decided to just try out some local stuff we've not done for years and just see where things take us.

What a day!

First lane we went down became too rutted with at least two trees that we could see also fallen, actually chopped down, so we turned round. Next lane was lovely, some ruts, no tracks! nice and gentle and picturesque. Lane after that was a beeatch! Mud run .. We both got stuck, both needed winching out, more than once in my case, but it was a cracking lane.

We then broke off and met another mate of Tims and the next lane was within 100 yards or so .. so we all got stuck! Combination of winching, digging and towing/snatching got us all through .. mucho mud, mucho fun!

Did loads more, mostly nice, picturesque and less muddy, including a ford.

Great day .. eldest son came with me, Tims son with him and the other lad (I'm useless with names) had a mate and his three kids too, so almost a family do .. :)
My son took a load of pics, but his phone ran out of battery power so he's been filling it up .. be some tomorrow!!!!

We enjoyed it too Tim, I knew the lanes were always a bit muddy and tractor rutted, but never thought they were that good .. Have to go more often .. :)
Sounds like you had fun guys, will be up your way next Sunday, picking up the replacement disco project ( sandrover 2 ) lol, mines just about had it now so time to start again :)
dizzytim - were that you on the M62 eastbound on Saturday early to mid afternoon? I was heading back west from Huddersfield....
Don't think so was knee deep in Yorkshire mud on the Saturday lol, was traveling back on the Sunday though :)
Pics of the day in no particular order. All taken by my son on his phone so not best quality, but gives a good idea of the lanes and tracks ..






Some videos later .. ;)

Hope the edits are OK
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Nice one lads!

Hope the new sand rover is a disco Tim, everyone else is doing a runner to the tratter! :eek:
Sounds like you had fun guys, will be up your way next Sunday, picking up the replacement disco project ( sandrover 2 ) lol, mines just about had it now so time to start again :)

Where from Tim? If you need a hand just shout mate .. ;)
Nice one lads!

Hope the new sand rover is a disco Tim, everyone else is doing a runner to the tratter! :eek:

If we'd have found a decent Disco when I needed one I'd probably still have one running, but the 90 came along at just the right time and price! Couldn't not have it at the price.

Still got my original one, but it's gonna have the engine stripped and made to work, to then slot into the 90, possibly along with the R380 .. it's already had the axles and 'stuff'. Then lockers, then a Galvy chassis, roll bars etc etc .. forward planning .. :)

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