v8 rick

New Member
hello all , a returning member here i have just bought a p reg ( 1996 my ) 4.6 hse with a few jobs needing doing ( don`t they all :D ) .
the most obvious and important i need to sort out is the eas , its on the bump stops .
strangely its not in hard fault mode and the compressor is running , its also giving a good supply of air via the air dryer and into the valve block .
i bought the software and comms cable and ive run the diagnostics and got the following faults .

1,1 f8.2 hidden
2, 2 fr signal incorrect
3,1 vehicle speed fault
4, cannot lower
5, fl valve stuck open
6, fl valve stuck closed
7, fr valve stuck closed
8, rr valve stuck closed
9, rl valve stuck closed
10, exhaust valve stuck closed

any advice on were i need to start or if i need to renew or overhaul the valve block assembly would be appreciated .
im in no hurry to get the car on the road as ive bought it as a bit of a project for winter .
the rest of the faults on the car are just niggly bits of trim problems and general neglete but id like to sort the eas so at least i can move it without having my spine shattered each time :).
yes i have mate , initially there was even more faults but most cleared ok and just the above when i re-read them .
You have bad comms to the diagnostic unit you cannot have a valve stuck closed and open at the same time. If you are using EASunlock make sure you have good idle (green light) at all times.
yes thats what got me , how can the same valve be poen and closed at the same time :confused: , as far as i could tell the comms were fine , green idle lit all the time no problem , i will go and try it again though now you have said that .
yes thats what got me , how can the same valve be poen and closed at the same time :confused: , as far as i could tell the comms were fine , green idle lit all the time no problem , i will go and try it again though now you have said that .

Might be worth posting up what Windoze you are using and maybe deleting your drivers and trying another?

I'm on a Mac so can't help with the PC bit
my laptop is running windows xp pro , other than that im a bit green with computors :( .
ive just re-read the codes and im back to loads of faults evenn after clearing them they come back + now im getting air supply fault and air supply leak :confused:
my laptop is running windows xp pro , other than that im a bit green with computors :( .
ive just re-read the codes and im back to loads of faults evenn after clearing them they come back + now im getting air supply fault and air supply leak :confused:

It happened to me - don't panic it's bad comms you need to update the driver or download another
Just an input from an ex P38 ... check the reservoir on the car for leaks and all lines to and from it. The valve errors could be red herrings since from my recollection the system uses the height sensors to verify valve operation
Just an input from an ex P38 ... check the reservoir on the car for leaks and all lines to and from it. The valve errors could be red herrings since from my recollection the system uses the height sensors to verify valve operation

in between rain showers ive just been under the car and it appears there is only 1 pipe to the resevoir and i checked the pipe whilst the compressor was running and nothing is coming out of it ? so thinking there may be a feed into the tank that ive missed i also checked the outlet from the tank and theres nothing either so im guessing it has a major leak somewhere .
i cant seem to to find a schematic drawing of the piping layout which would be a great help .
My guess also is a major leak but in common pipework. I did have a diagram but long since gone. One pipe on the reservoir is right but they can leak - mine did - any hissing going on - I know it is hard to hear, trace it back all the way to the compressor and get your soapy water on the job, this is very tricky with it on the bump stops though.

Just re read your post - nothing at all coming out of the pipe to the reservoir?
update the driver :confused::confused: thats me buggered :) how do i do that , btw the cable is connected into the serial port .

You have a serial port on your laptop? You sure it's not into a USB port?
The usual problem when a list of phantom faults is displayed is a USB driver problem.
If you really have a serial port, then bad connections in the OBD connector is also a possibility.
in between rain showers ive just been under the car and it appears there is only 1 pipe to the resevoir and i checked the pipe whilst the compressor was running and nothing is coming out of it ? so thinking there may be a feed into the tank that ive missed i also checked the outlet from the tank and theres nothing either so im guessing it has a major leak somewhere .
i cant seem to to find a schematic drawing of the piping layout which would be a great help .

There is only one pipe to the reservoir, it's used to put air in and take air out.
Air will only go to the reservoir when commanded by the ECU.
Do the compressor check as in the How To section.
thanks for your input fella`s im getting there slowly , my laptop is a dell d620 i bought it specifically because it had a serial port as thats what most of my diagnostic stuff uses .

im more used to working on truck air suspensions so i appreciate the help you guys are offering .

the weather doesn`t help here having to work on my drive makes tracing pipework a bit of an arse :lol: dodging rain showers like .

if i can find a schematic drawing of the eas piping layout that would help me no end .

thanks for the heads up on the plug connections i will double check these in the morning
If the compressor is running as you say there should be air coming out that pipe. The only thing between it and the compressor is the drier. everything else feeds from this circuit via solenoid valves and a couple of non return valves.
If the compressor is running as you say there should be air coming out that pipe. The only thing between it and the compressor is the drier. everything else feeds from this circuit via solenoid valves and a couple of non return valves.

Not necessarily so, the pipe is bi directional. Check the compressor output as per the "How To" guide at the top of the page.
Check that there is no air coming out of the exhaust on the valve block.
Don't waste your time tracing pipes, they don't move.
Download RAVE and it will give you all the info, there is a link in the How To section.

You need to get to the bottom of the comms problem.
If the compressor is running as you say there should be air coming out that pipe. The only thing between it and the compressor is the drier. everything else feeds from this circuit via solenoid valves and a couple of non return valves.

ive just had a quick look now both pipes from the air dryer go to and from the valve block , looking at it though i assume that port 6 feeds the tank so it looks like there is a major leak on this pipe which does not surprise me as it runs very close to the exhaust and the exhaust has a major blow at the rear so i guessing that the exhaust gasses have been blowing onto the pipe and melted it so i will look deeper into this tomorrow .

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