my s3 109 just wont bleed, i have replaced a brake cylinder and now i cant get all the air out the system. i have gone from furthest brake to closest, tryed jacking the frount up etc, so far i have used 4L of fluid. And i still have air (i have checked for leaks) i get a soft pedal fist stroke then firm on the second.

please help im well stumped, even old posts on this forum confuse me.

also the whole system was empty when i started bleeding

i have read articles about removing the in line presure indicator switch unit and replacing it with T-pieces, should this be done?
In my (limited) experience, if it consistently goes hard on the second stroke (perhaps I should rephrase that) it is more likely adjustment than air.
they can be a right bugger to bleed specially if you've emptied it. you can either jack up the rear as far as yer can (about 3feet is good)and leave it over night with the brake pedal wedged down , then bleed it in the morning . then do the same with the front. or try a pressure bleeder.

but before you try that make sure that they are adjusted and that their are no bubbles appearing in the MC when yer pump the pedal.
oo oo i just remembered what i had to do on a moter that had the same problem....... crack the unions at the M/C and give it a couple of slow pumps then give the rest a quick bleed to make sure do not let the M/C empty
i just remembered im getting very very fine air bubbles on the frount passenger brake, but huge bubbles on the other brakes, any ideas? this is the side i replaced the two brake cyclinders on (the reason i blead the system grrrrr)
Ill go with Davec
It's most likely adjustment or spring locations / incorrectly assembled.
Try buying a set of break pipe clips/pliers and a Ezblead kit.
Ill go with Davec
It's most likely adjustment or spring locations / incorrectly assembled.
Try buying a set of break pipe clips/pliers and a Ezblead kit.

how does either of them produce bubbles in the system?
how does either of them produce bubbles in the system?
It doesnt but he said that when he pump twice he gets a hard peddle. Just like there is a badly adjusted wheel.
Also he may need to isolate and bleed each wheel in turn as this simplifies fault finding.
but in post 7 he says he's getting air out at each wheel. badly adjusted brakes dint cause that.
up date- jacking it up didnt sus it, my next plan is to remove the master cylinder and bleed it in a vice using two pipes from the m/c outlets back into the fluid technique and then push a dowel in and out of it to blast the air out, i hope this may sus it fingers crossed

p.s. thanks 4 the advice folks
it seen one that didn't get bleed by using the jacking up and leaving over night tecnic.

was it reet up in the air? and did you have the pedal jammed hard down?
and are you sure yer master cylinder int fooked?
so when he said in the first post " and i still have air" that dint give yer a clue?

Yes, but a lot of people assume that if a pedal is soft, then pumps up hard, the only cause can be air, he didn't mention he had seen bubbles.

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