So what was his response then slob?! :) Was it legible?

Some sad **** has bid on it - it's gotta be a shill bid! It can't be worth more than £4 or 5k if he's lucky - especially with a knackered engine, and effectively no MOT.

lol you all have PHDs Player hating degrees. I dont mind what people have written about the car does this face look like it gives a ****???????? lol everyone who posted them comments obviousley dont have the dollars to buy such a car! ****in Jokers lol as shakespear says DONT HATE APPRECIATE
Oops, someone has just been reported to eBay for shill bidding - the bidder on his pimp-mobile has (coincidently) bid on 3 cars this guy has sold in the last month!


Oh, BTW, it wasn't me who reported him - ssssh ;)
slob said:
lol you all have PHDs Player hating degrees. I dont mind what people have written about the car does this face look like it gives a ****???????? lol everyone who posted them comments obviousley dont have the dollars to buy such a car! ****in Jokers lol as shakespear says DONT HATE APPRECIATE

you wrote the reply yourself, you fibber you.

:) Rogxx:)
Ive just re-read this on ebay, and in the list of accessories it says "Disabled Accessible".

What with, a ****in stepladder?
ah! now then disabled could mean a lot of things,, blind, one leg, no legs, deef, two fingers missing. take yer pick the list is endless so if you was one handed and blind then you probelly could get into it
If you was one handed and blind you would have a hell of a job bidding on it on ebay.
How would you see the pc, or find the car in the car park for that matter.

Although one handed isnt necessarily a handicap these days, i know a one handed guy who can change a brake light bulb on a TD5, which is more than some 2 handed egits can manage.
my uncle had just one arm (right) and managed to drive an artic for a living.
used to change gear with his left stump. it used to fascinate me as a kid, watching him drive.

i never saw him do it, but im fairly positive he could change a lamp bulb!
ormus said:
my uncle had just one arm (right) and managed to drive an artic for a living.
used to change gear with his left stump. it used to fascinate me as a kid, watching him drive.

i never saw him do it, but im fairly positive he could change a lamp bulb!
but could he **** at the same time?
i just get an image of your aunt frigging herself with one hand at the back of the car with a brake light bulb in the other. i need therapy me thinks ;)
Oh dear - eBay removed the item from eBay, and kicked him off eBay permanently. I do hope it wasn't anything to do with the report someone put in about him shill bidding :)


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