It was an immaculate 200tdi with sunroofs that never leaked , Recon gearbox ,new sills & boot floor . I was very gutted
Ain't it grand when you open the curtains in the morning and there is an inch or two of snow? Working from home today.... so it was of to Richmond Park to see if I could photography some deer in the you do.

No deer to be found but my old Disco was the best looking thing in the car park next to all the Mercs and Volvos.

Then it was off to Ripley for a little gentle laneing, supposedly to test out my newly installed heavy duty springs.. Any excuse not too work when there is snow on the ground even though it was not that deep!

Traded the canoe in for step ladders?

you're right, 200Tdi Disco's are a dying breed :(
Toooo cold for canoeing.
This one is still going strong apart from the odd niggle...Its off to get the cam belt changed tomorrow as we have a 500 mile trip in at the end of this week.
Well it wasn't a surprised it failed...but not badly and after a bit of fettling it passed.
No the surprise was that, I even though I thought it was going to fail on emissions, once hooked up to the diagnostic machine the reading was, well, there wasn't a reading!
So my 1993 200tdi, 185000 miler didn't register for emissions, how cool is that!?...
They did assured me that the machine wasn't broken, in case you where wondering!
So when something goes wrong with any vehicle I have ever owned my first rule is to ask someone before trying to fix it....On this forum there are many, many folk with a greater knowledge of spannering than I.
So oil has been dripping out of the end of my front hub for some days. Ignoring the first rule, I assumed, leaking hub therefore it needs new hub seals and whilst I am about may as well do the bearings. I bought all the bits to rebuild my hub, including a dial indicator. I even welded an old socket onto my hub box spanner to take a torque wrench. 1/2 a day and about £75 down I set to work.
As soon as I took off the wheel I knew why my hub was dust cap had come off....I pushed it back on cleaned up the oily mess l and went for a drive. Of course no leak...what a BURK, always remember the first rule!
Oh well I have the hub bits for another day and I am sure the dial indicator will come in useful...if only for truing up my mountain bike wheels!
So when something goes wrong with any vehicle I have ever owned my first rule is to ask someone before trying to fix it....On this forum there are many, many folk with a greater knowledge of spannering than I.
So oil has been dripping out of the end of my front hub for some days. Ignoring the first rule, I assumed, leaking hub therefore it needs new hub seals and whilst I am about may as well do the bearings. I bought all the bits to rebuild my hub, including a dial indicator. I even welded an old socket onto my hub box spanner to take a torque wrench. 1/2 a day and about £75 down I set to work.
As soon as I took off the wheel I knew why my hub was dust cap had come off....I pushed it back on cleaned up the oily mess l and went for a drive. Of course no leak...what a BURK, always remember the first rule!
Oh well I have the hub bits for another day and I am sure the dial indicator will come in useful...if only for truing up my mountain bike wheels!

Psst, don't forget to check the levels .... :cool:
I thought I would up date you on this fab vehicle. I have now owed for two years, it's my daily driver and now done 196453 miles ! Over the last year its done about 12000 miles on the original engine. It's taken me to work, carried kids, canoes and camping gear. Its written off a Mercedes A Class and a Renault Cleo (one my fault!) and driven away from both with no damage. And it costs me peanuts, £240 insurance ( inc claims projection!) and £240 tax. It does a not a too bad 35 ish mpg and parts are cheap in comparison to a more modern car.
Today I took for an mot and it failed...but I am happy... It only failed on two track rod ends! It past everything else, emissions, rust, brakes etc.!! Off to buy the ends now should have it past by Monday!
Land Rover really did know how to build a family car in 1993!

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