thats a bit harsh aint it i parked me defender in liverpool fer two years mostly out at waterloo where i lived an never had a problem

No Not harsh i dont think, but Raz is right Anfield is rough as arseholes, even the nice bits?

As said before park my disco in Bootle everyday and don't get any grief just admiring glances, know the difference between admiration and vandalisation/theft. :D
i live in kensington, down the road from anfield and ten times worse, takes 2 cctv cameras, a german shepheard and my bad attitude to keep mine safe lol
I agree, Anfield is a total dump, leave my car day in day out in Bootle and had no probs, she's not there out of choice.

Now "stick out like a sore thumb" is that in a nice way or not? and they wouldn't touch if they had any sense, because it does stick out like a sore thumb???? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

no its cause it mine ;)

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