worst thing is the CID come over an asked "are you sure it was a real gun" they weren't taking it serious at all.
Under the VCRA 2006 introduced to limit the sale of BB guns. Any gun, real or not, used to strike fear in someone for illegal ends will be deemed as a real gun when pressing charges. So it is irrelevant if you thought it was a real gun or not. It was used to help carry out an illegal act, under the law it has to be treated as the real deal.

How do I know this? Because up until recently I took part in competitive air soft and to be able to buy new RIFs as the legislation request they are called, I had to buy a gun locker to keep them safe. TBH, it is easier to buy a real gun illegally than it is to buy a fake legally.
Sorry to say this, but it will come when someone gets these scum bags and knee cap them. Then we will know who they are when you see them limping down the road.
But take a look at all the scrap metal vans that are going around today, dont truss half of them. I have cctv on my place now after my landy 110 was stolen 2yrs ago, and they always slow down to have a good look when its outside. take there number and pass on to police. (you work hard to enjoy life)
nah mate am not far from there though about 2 minutes away, and the police round here are no good some young lads broke into my house, beat up my dog with a golf club then ran off after trying to nick my car, the police would then not come to me but asked me to drive my car to them to fingerprint it :confused: which is pointless as my prints would have covered all theirs. so i told them to leave it as they wouldn't have done anything anyway

there useless mate. firm of assholes honestly
Under the VCRA 2006 introduced to limit the sale of BB guns. Any gun, real or not, used to strike fear in someone for illegal ends will be deemed as a real gun when pressing charges. So it is irrelevant if you thought it was a real gun or not. It was used to help carry out an illegal act, under the law it has to be treated as the real deal.

How do I know this? Because up until recently I took part in competitive air soft and to be able to buy new RIFs as the legislation request they are called, I had to buy a gun locker to keep them safe. TBH, it is easier to buy a real gun illegally than it is to buy a fake legally.

if they ever call me back im gunna give teh police this link hahaha. they wernt taking it serious at all.
Were in Tower hill mate, do the gardens round that way, see alot of 90s and 110s up that way surprised they stay there
Were in Tower hill mate, do the gardens round that way, see alot of 90s and 110s up that way surprised they stay there
down saxon way mate. shevington park estate. i already walked up to a guy whos has a sweet Td5 an told him to be carefull. hes now told everyone he knows too. quite a few landy owners round here.
I know the place, theres a done up disco down one end if Im right, keep my eye out when im round them ways from now on
Funny how stupid some people are, had my spare wheel cover stolen a few days ago, nothing special just got it because it was cheap, £8 camouflaged.

Drive round the corner from mine today and some dickhead in a pajero has it sitting on his......pfffff!
I didnt, looks like a dodgy character, so wouldnt be able to use it without more hassle, however ill give it a few more days and then I shall polish his paintwork with some brick (hydrochloric) acid
no steve id use paint stripper, only have to pour abit on and it will rust like sin

forget that you need dot 4 brake fluid as it doesnt thin out with rain and cannot be wiped or cleaned off without smearing evrywhere

its more satisfying watching his face when he sees hes making it worse by spreading it evrywhere and the paint is coming off in bloody big sheets week after week

someone did it to our kidd as he had a near identical xr3i to the asshole who robbed someones garage years ago in the end we had to replace all the damaged pannels coz the fluid had worked into the metal surface and just kept bleeding through the new paint even fibreglass resin wouldnt stop it :eek::eek:
Funny how stupid some people are, had my spare wheel cover stolen a few days ago, nothing special just got it because it was cheap, £8 camouflaged.

Drive round the corner from mine today and some dickhead in a pajero has it sitting on his......pfffff!

And this is the reason I'm happy to live out in the stick's with little or no amenities, if you fart where I live your neighbours know about it, but we watch each other's back's ... as per other post's, brake fluid is a rather good "cleanser" to use:D stubborn stain's need 2lt or more;)

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