Heavy Breather

Well-Known Member
Bastid little scrote threw a bleedin stone off a bridge right into my windscreen, cracks all over the soddin place, if i could have caught the little bleeder i'd have cracked him all over the place, i'm insured but thats hardly the point, its costing me 50 quid, he was about 10yr old and will no doubt be mugging someones granny in a few months!!! Or am i misjudging the w*nker??:mad::mad::mad:
You are being unfair on the little chap. He is obviously in a hard situation, His mother is probably depedant on crack cocaine. His Father in prision for robbing a bank so they could have food on the table.

still needs reporting - a couple of peeps have been killed this way like that - One "little darling" chucked a breeze block in front of a lorry on the M3 - driver died an hour or two laters :(.
dont go easy if u dont teach em a lesson young they wont learn when u try and teach em when there older and think there everything,
Yep its reported, a blonde lad about 10, looks like a choir boy, there's a gypo site not far from where it happened, oops i'm making assumptions, soz mr tinker
my training buddys grandad had his head sliced open a few weeks ago wen some cock sucking scrote threw a brick through a bus window, he lost over a pint of blood
been extra plod on one of the motor ways lately apprently cos of this sort of thing
catch em and throw stones at them untill the bleed. see if they like it :)

What not suggesting we leave em to it because we're not plod & it's not our place to interfere.

Knob jocky fooking hypocrite.:blabla:
Gibbo Phil had a brick come through the windscreen and land on the passenger seat about a year ago. Bloody Kids need a kicking
i did daft things as a kid (as im sure we all did!) but nowt like this!
why do kids think stuff like this is fun?
im only 22 (so more daft things to come..hopefully ;)) but 10 years is not a long time and i can see that little ****s like this are waaay more of a menace than i was to society 10 years ago and it makes me think what this country will be like in another 10 years time!
squirting crazy foam up people exhausts that we didnt like is one thing...spose we did burn down a dog **** bag bin:eek:..and wrap ping pong balls in tin foil and make smoke bombs with them and throw them in (empty!) phone boxes...but trying to cause people serious harm is another!
im not a tree hugging doo gooder kids need to express themselves and let off steam and act like a bit of a **** sometimes as its all part of growing up but carrying knives attacking random people and all the theft young kids are into nowadays is beyond a joke! bronson had the right idea in deathwish 3...:D
Yep its reported, a blonde lad about 10, looks like a choir boy, there's a gypo site not far from where it happened, oops i'm making assumptions, soz mr tinker

Had an episode recently with some gypos near to me chucking cans of coke at cars passing on a main road through town so guessing they must have got sick of throwing eggs. Was reported but thats about as far as it goes when it comes to our local plod.

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