I sent the MP this email

"I am writing to you following an article about greenlaning in which you were quoted in the Retford Times as saying

“I want Land Rover International to do this elsewhere and I demand McCartney off-roads somewhere else, such as his own constituency.
He is not welcome,” said Mr Mann, who is currently in Ecuador on a charity mountain climbing trip..”

“This will endanger local people, especially dog walkers and horse riders.”

“Local parishes have fought hard to protect their bridleways. Will McCartney pay for the damage done by this?”

It grieves when I see M.P.s, from whatever part of the country, being so misinformed.

“Green Lanes” are not Public Footpaths, nor are they Bridleways. They are Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT), i.e. a highway over which the public have a right of way for vehicular and all other kinds of traffic. They are roads, albeit unclassified and often unmetalled, which have existed for hundreds of years. Within England and Wales BOATs represent only 2% of public byways, the remaining 98% being Restricted Byways i.e. Footpaths & Bridleways.

Off Roading is, as you might expect, driving off road, i.e. (not on BOATs,) and is often carried out unlawfully on and where vehicles are not permitted.

I think you will find that all those whose recreational activities include Greenlaning fully support your stance on keeping vehicles away from Pubic Footpaths & Bridleways and in fact many of us go further and will notify local Rights of Way Officers when BOATs are impassible due to, for example, heavy rain or rock falls and also support their temporary closure under such circumstances. They will also report to the police where 4x4 users are driving away from the BOAT onto private land, i.e. unlawful off roading, and causing damage.
However the responsible use of Green lanes is a legitimate activity and gives pleasure to many people.

It is regrettable that you chose not to accept the recent invitation from Land Rover International. At least then, having participated, your comments, even if adverse could at least have been based upon fact.

He replied

"Please don't be so disingenuous. You undoubtedly know that bridle ways were upgraded to boats over the last decade, regardless of their current use. So in Bassetlaw the bridle ways are now boats and there are huge problems caused by ongoing conflicts.
This is mirrored in many places across the country"

No hope really!
I really hope that he has a press office that is making these glaring cock ups, because the prospect of a person that has a part in the decision making of our country being so misinformed is terrifying.
John Mann MP @JohnMannMP · May 29

Last thing a dog walker or horse rider wants on a country lane is to be faced by a Tory MP in a land rover

Replied to 0 times

John Mann MP @JohnMannMP · May 29

Tory called Mcartney from lincoln intends off roading on bridle ways in Bassetlaw on Friday. He is not not welcome.

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