New Member
Hi guys

am back from this morning or was it last neet? Ah just forget! Am at me desk working so there will be long intervals before I can respond to any replies.

I was wondering stuff like:

can a decent 90 diesel engine be fitted:confused:
Will suspension facilitate conversion to a coiler or will a new modified chassis be needed:confused:
suspension lift! easy on parabolics but on cloils?:rolleyes:
Disc brakes is it possible:confused:

Just what can be done and what is the limit.:confused: :confused:

not had anything to do with these except drive them years ago in the Terra's and I am weighing up a project and not sure which way to go, series 111 or lightweight..In the end its would be 100% off road vehicle that is road legal.

Any info would be good and of course spark stimulating conversation to get me thro' me neet shift Ha-ha..

Any injun can be made to fit.

Re-chassising is needed really to go with coils (have a look at the gon2far leaf spring option tho' DIFFLOCK.com - Gone2Far ) but to be honest you'll be amazed at what pairobollix & good dampers'll do.

Better than lifting get some bigger wheels & tyres, they're the only thing that are going to lift yer diffs.

Disc conversion's are available, but not cheap. Properly serviced drum brakes (maybe uprated to 11" on the frunt) stop things pretty quickly if looked after.

I'd say, get one, enjoy it, then decide what you want to change based on what annoys you rather than a wishlist drawn up before you really know what you want. Your list WILL change, numerous times. Mine does, daily & I'm actually fairly happy wiv me motor! ;)
Oh, & you'll pay more for a lightweight than a III, often lots more & there's less about so it'll be harder finding a good'un...............oh & they're more often than not driven by gurlz. Dunno why, but iss jest sumfing I've noticed.
Oh, & you'll pay more for a lightweight than a III, often lots more & there's less about so it'll be harder finding a good'un...............oh & they're more often than not driven by gurlz. Dunno why, but iss jest sumfing I've noticed.

Grippa's rite. They're normally driven by gurlz. But not just ordinary gurlz, they're usually 'Goth' gurlz. And why wud yer wanna landy thass probly been chucked out of a plane?!:rolleyes:
dont molest any more lightweights! we should be keeping these original as there aint many about. can i suggest you look into an early 90. there is one ready modified in the for sale section :D

if you really want a Series, get a series 3. loads about so modify/molest away!

Grippa's rite. They're normally driven by gurlz. But not just ordinary gurlz, they're usually 'Goth' gurlz. And why wud yer wanna landy thass probly been chucked out of a plane?!:rolleyes:

Hee hee, I remembers that conversayshun...........yeah, bluddy, bluddy goth gurlz. All bluddy pale, usually fat & an inordinate amount of issues. :D
Any injun can be made to fit.

Re-chassising is needed really to go with coils (have a look at the gon2far leaf spring option tho' DIFFLOCK.com - Gone2Far ) but to be honest you'll be amazed at what pairobollix & good dampers'll do.

Better than lifting get some bigger wheels & tyres, they're the only thing that are going to lift yer diffs.

Disc conversion's are available, but not cheap. Properly serviced drum brakes (maybe uprated to 11" on the frunt) stop things pretty quickly if looked after.

I'd say, get one, enjoy it, then decide what you want to change based on what annoys you rather than a wishlist drawn up before you really know what you want. Your list WILL change, numerous times. Mine does, daily & I'm actually fairly happy wiv me motor! ;)

I agree with your sentiments on parabolics, I have driven these thing around for years. Also being a sisties child there was nowt else around in my time. Easy to beef up with extra leaves etc..I do have a problem with drum brakes though very dodgy when wet! Sieze up a lot and lock on.

I also agree with your comment on bigger wheels as there seems to be lots of clearance without modification. Unlike my disco I did.

Thanks for the advice.
dont molest any more lightweights! we should be keeping these original as there aint many about. can i suggest you look into an early 90. there is one ready modified in the for sale section :D

if you really want a Series, get a series 3. loads about so modify/molest away!


Its my right to molest. Nothing wrong with taking a good machine and making it better:)
Any injun can be made to fit.

Re-chassising is needed really to go with coils (have a look at the gon2far leaf spring option tho' DIFFLOCK.com - Gone2Far ) but to be honest you'll be amazed at what pairobollix & good dampers'll do.

Better than lifting get some bigger wheels & tyres, they're the only thing that are going to lift yer diffs.

Disc conversion's are available, but not cheap. Properly serviced drum brakes (maybe uprated to 11" on the frunt) stop things pretty quickly if looked after.

I'd say, get one, enjoy it, then decide what you want to change based on what annoys you rather than a wishlist drawn up before you really know what you want. Your list WILL change, numerous times. Mine does, daily & I'm actually fairly happy wiv me motor! ;)

Good link thanks! useful too!;)
have a look at the may edition of Landrover monthly, there's a 3.9 V8 coil sprung lightweight in there, it looks a bit gay but would give u an idea.....

i do think lightweights look good i origonal condition but there are plenty of folk who'll keep them like that. if you get a cheep one thats all ready been ****ed up then you can definatly only make it better with out the giult trip! the one i have is seriously trashed but one day it'll be road worthy again!!
...yeah, bluddy, bluddy goth gurlz. All bluddy pale, usually fat & an inordinate amount of issues.

I'll show my other half this quote... she'll beat you up when she meets you, then scratch your paintwork with her long purple finger nails!! :D

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