Lightweight Ste

New Member
Just starting to sort the electrics on my series 111 Lightweight but am strugling with the heater .From the inside 2 wires are on the fan a black and brown but that is it ?There are no wires coming from the engine bay into the heater or even from a switch on the dash.Not even sure which is the switch for the heater as it looks like it has been choped about a bit over the years.Would be grateful for any help but need an idiots guide as electrics are not my strong point:D
light weight heater.have you got a multi meter by any chance, or a circuit tester,these will be what you need,electrics are easy once you get to know the basics, you need to find which one is neg and which is live and does the heater work by connecting it direct to live,
it seems to be ok email contact details to me as it will be more simple to explain and i can talk to you direct i await your call
It's not that it's not allowed, but if you post your e-mail / phone number on a public forum, you risk getting shed loads of spam and crank calls.
Better to send a PM to the recipient with that info.

If yer quick, you can edit yer post to delete them.
Just starting to sort the electrics on my series 111 Lightweight but am strugling with the heater .From the inside 2 wires are on the fan a black and brown but that is it ?There are no wires coming from the engine bay into the heater or even from a switch on the dash.Not even sure which is the switch for the heater as it looks like it has been choped about a bit over the years.Would be grateful for any help but need an idiots guide as electrics are not my strong point:D

:mad: and another thing ..... ya can't come on here talkin about lightweights and not post piccies ... :mad: i mean its just not on is it ???? so i strongly suggest you get yer ass into gear and post some pronto afore you go any further .... :mad:


do ya think he will ?? or was that a bit harsh ....:D
go on yer big coward .... if i can do it ...... :D

i dont do electrical stuff its the invention of the devil ..... far to complimacated fer me .... :cool:
ok, for a series 3 lightweight, it has a flat smiths heater on the bulkhead, and the switch is at the bottom left hand side of the instrument panel.
3 wires go into the heater at the back and two come out the front to the fan.
Pop riveted inside the case is a balast resistor for slow speed opperation of the fan motor.
black wire is negative and the other two are positive one for each speed.
Of course if it's been chopped about then just rewire it propperly.

Hope this helps

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